If the character you play on screen has to have life, you should dub in your own voice.

The starting point of social movements stems from deep pain and intolerance towards loss already incurred and hence any gain including just voicing the injustice empowers the movement and everybody else around them.

I am not against the idea of looking sexy. But I don't like women being looked at as mere objects of sex.

Actually, I am a typical middle-class girl.

I hate flashy metrosexual men. I prefer a rustic man who will make a long-time companion.

The Hegelian dynamic plays out daily on and off the film sets - women are not lesser beings, but because they are assumed to be, they are subjected to inferior conditions. And this inferiority projects itself through the feeling of weakness and subjugation.

I am basically a theatre artiste. However, after stepping into cinema, I did not get much opportunity to act in plays.

It's a misconception that an intelligent person can't act and I want people to discard such notions.

I am extremely choosy about my roles as I want variety; I would like to work with the best of people.

In the 1960s, there was a forward way of speaking and inflection.

The first movie I can remember seeing in the theater was 'Return of the Jedi.' I can remember seeing Darth Vader's helmet come off. The shock of that moment.

Advice? Look at your pay statements.

In a play, you dictate pace, you dictate rhythm, you dictate when people look at you, when people should be looking at something else. In film, the editor does that.

J. J. Abrams is amazing.

I think Shakespeare really got it. He was the first one to introduce psychology to villains and give them a real point of view.

I'm open to the idea of doing more musicals if it's one that I really enjoy.

That first play I did in New York, Rogelio Martinez's 'When It's Cocktail Time in Cuba,' I played a young Fidel Castro.

Usually when I write a song, I'll write the music and then kind of fit some words to it.

People resent movies that try to tell them exactly what to feel.

The motivation is important for me to act it, but I don't necessarily want the audience to know my motivation.

I actually started playing in little cafes around New York, and I have a lot of good friends of mine who are musicians who are struggling in New York.

I have been playing acoustic music for a very long time, and it's something that I am very comfortable doing, so if I made a record, it would probably be a mixture of that and some other things that I'm interested in.

What you wear can be such an indicator of so many things. You know, how you feel, how you want others to perceive you. So, that is an absolutely essential part of building a character.

Anything that's made by humans is about humans, whether it's about gods or aliens or anything; it's about some sort of expressive nature about us.