I just feel lucky; I just feel happy to be alive.

I love Spike Jonze. He's brilliant.

I don't think that the theater should necessarily pay.

I certainly have no plans to quit the United States.

I always identified with Frankenstein because as a kid, I never got the girl.

It's funny, I never watch TV. I watch Fox News.

I think America was a miracle. I think God loves this country.

What is it with me? I seem to be an incorrigible black-listee.

Every restaurant in the world is owned by a Greek.

I make more than a handsome living doing voices for commercials; I hear myself all day on the tube.

I adored my mother. She was beautiful, smart, sexy and funny.

Even I get fan mail.

The reason I became a Christian is the same reason I became a conservative: I paid attention.

Back in the fifties I was the hot, young comic on CBS and a regular on 'The Ed Sullivan Show.' I was also starring in shows on Broadway and acting in dramatic programs on television. Those were the glory days of television. It was like theater. It was live. If an actor forgot a line, he improvised. There was an immediacy to it.

Possessions can possess you. Even a lawn can possess you. It makes you buy a garden hose. Which makes you water. Which cuts into time you might be happier spending some other way.

Part of me is nonhuman and eccentric, which is what a hobbit is, and I don't mind being eccentric.

I knew people who were real Communists but never made it onto the blacklist and kept on working. There were also people reputed to be Communists who weren't.

I had come to New York seeking my fortune after a few years of honing my craft as a stand-up on the road.

I don't expect to be another Walt Disney, but I do get a terrific bang out of being able to say things with pictures. Maybe that means something deep and profound about me - but I doubt it.

I think it was a miracle that Trump got elected.

I never thought that I couldn't do what I set out to do. It wasn't from arrogance; it was from ignorance.

TV and film are always slipping in political messages, not ones designed to bring us together but to divide us.

You know when I was a kid, I hated every day I was in school, from the kindergarten right through to my last day of high school.

One of the things I'm proudest of, one year on my refrigerator, I taped a Christmas card from the Republican National Committee and season's greetings from Gus Hall of the American Communist Party. They both stayed up their months and I'm proud of it.