I think the universe just brings people around others they find to be interesting.

'Power' is really such a good show that I forget I'm in it sometimes.

Deciding to not attach ourselves to something that doesn't appropriately represent us is extremely powerful.

I'm such a carnivorous researcher as an actor - I chew it up like it's meat, and I really don't know how to do that without the people that are producing or creating or writing that which they want me to chew up.

'Power' is a funny thing. Maybe it's a show that draws people in because they are watching people do things they secretly wish they could do or know they could get away with.

What we have as artists is the immortalization opportunity that others don't have, because our work is lasting; it's there forever to view.

For me, I'm always looking for the opportunity for a character that challenges me and lets me play two for the price of one.

I know that Donald Trump is a smart man.

People are fond of that 'crabs in a barrel' mentality, and I'm like, 'No, there needs to be more so we can create more barrels; there doesn't need to be one barrel.'

Know that the tattoos are all significant. They're all extremely insignificant. I can't break each one down, but it's 20 years. The first one was 21 years of age from a football teammate.

I always have a backpack. I was a poet, so it reminds me of being a backpack poet.

My dad was really complex, and I was raised by that. My mom is really bright - very book bright - and so those things collide... I learned that I could put all of that stuff together in the world of acting, and I could make a dollar at it.

I would say, as loving as I am... I am definitely an extremely temperamental man who has a very large temper.

When it's all said and done, I am secure enough with my manhood to say to the world, 'I am a male actor, and its okay for me to play a gay man.'

I was going from Furman to the University of Georgia. I transferred to play football.

I was trying to pay the bills with poems, and it was easy to memorize my poems, because I'd be riding my bike in California trying to memorize them before going on stage at a poetry lounge.

I would honestly say I'm in the turtle's race. My journey is a marathon.

Shoes make an outfit; they're like rims for a car.

You really just have to love the process. I can't tell you the amount of film sets I've been on where people are talking about Oscars in the middle of the production. It happens all the time.

Power tends to get confused with repression.

I tend to go with a daytime look, pretty natural, but I always fill in my eyebrows - I hate if I leave the gym and my eyebrows aren't done; I'm just very uncomfortable with myself.

It's so important to have that independence. You know it yourself: Everyone needs evenings of their own.

If a woman feels anchored to a man's plans, she may start to resent him for the fun she's worried she's missing.

You're going to change as you grow older, and that messes up a lot of relationships.