When I'm training hard, the diet is miserable.

The percentage of people that go to drama college in the U.K. is probably just like anywhere in the world. It's a very hard business to work in. They say that, at any one time, there's only 5% of actors in the world that are actually working and getting paid, which is a shocking percentage, really.

There are certain tuxes you can get away with a black tie, but with others, you'd be dishonoring the workmanship if you didn't wear a full bow tie.

I'm not a 'Twilight' boy; I'll never be as good looking as those lads, and that's fair enough.

When I left school, I got a job in a shoe shop and I used to save 15 quid a week and pay for my own singing and acting lessons.

I think every role you take on, you should take on the responsibility of doing the best representation of that person or that character or that role. When it is a human being that has actually existed, and it is a person that people know of, yeah, you feel an even more amount of pressure to do a good job.

I guess maybe directors see a face that seems to have been lived in. I know that my face has been lived in, yeah.

One thing Tolkien does incredibly well - and this is from a lay person's point of view; I am not scholar or anything - is that you don't have to make an effort to envisage the worlds that he writes about.

The fascination for the Great Train Robbery has never diminished.

To be able to work with people who I have respected and admired, to be a part of something like the Cannes Film Festival, is surreal and brilliant.

Before the 'Fast & Furious' promo in Manila, I went on a vacation in the Philippines 10 years earlier. I loved it. My 'Miss Saigon' friends showed me around.

My mother did like to make clothes, and in I think the worst picture I've ever seen of myself - I must have been eight or nine - she'd dressed me in a matching t-shirt and Bermuda shorts ensemble which I think looked like somebody had thrown up all over it. I was so glad when that sewing machine stopped working, I have to say.

If you train too much, it can rule your life, and I don't think that's healthy - for men or women.

British actors are renowned for being great villains in movies, like Bond films, all the rest of it.

I feel that New Zealand is my second home.

I do like Jason Statham as a person and as an actor. I think he's a great performer, and he delivers every time.

I felt alive when I read a script and acted out a scene, or sang a song. It was my dream. I'm just very lucky that I'm still doing it and able to earn a living from it.

People come up to me in pubs - gay pubs, mind you - and can't believe that I'm gay.

For my part, if the audience wanted to see Dracula again, I would be happy to reprise the role. It is an immortal character that can appear anywhere because it lies beyond time. Possibilities are endless.

A longbow takes a massive draw for the arrow to go anywhere.

Basically, Apollo was more of a mediator between Zeus in Olympus and Perseus on Earth. He played much more of an active role.

It was very weird because for a long time no one really recognised me from my films, but 'The Hobbit' has totally changed that, and I've had some really special moments, especially with youngsters.

I had a very lovely childhood, and, being an only child, I'm very close to my mom and my dad.

I did use my own accent in a play once. It's a very freeing, liberating experience. Actors are often asked to adopt a different accent, and sometimes a different voice, so when that's taken away and you don't have to think about it, that's a lovely thing.