When people feel good, they look good.

I don't like seeing celebs looking too skinny, I love it when they look healthy and comfortable in their bodies and embrace their curves.

I played Nina in 'The Seagull,' and I remember thinking it's incredible to see all the actresses in the past that've played her. It's quite strengthening. You feel a part of the family of actresses going through and giving something of themselves to the role.

I find cardio hard.

The first Disney movie I saw I think was 'Snow White.' I loved all the Disney princess movies.

I think our sense as actors of what we've just done - whether or not it be in an audition - is usually really not connected to any truth. I'm always asking for more takes and more goes. I think I just need to shut up and listen.

I'm dying to do a tiny indie and play something totally naturalistic without any sort of constraints on me. Something where I can shock everyone.

In anything, I always give my all. I'm not a good loser.

When I worked with Bill Nighy on 'Wrath of the Titans,' he said to me, 'There's one thing you can promise me, and that's never, ever, ever read your reviews.'

Mum would have a panic attack if she had to stand up and give a speech around a table.

The Twenties outfits are all about freedom and loose, flowing lines, whereas in 'Cinderella,' I had to wear corsets and big huge skirts.

As cynical as I can be, there's always a part of me that believes in love and the fairy tale.

'Cinderella' touches on loss, and there was definitely a strong sense of grief in my life.

I naturally have a really small waist.

I admire actresses like Jennifer Lawrence, who says what she thinks.

It's hard to see yourself as a princess because it involves a huge leap of the imagination and sort of requires you to believe you can be that, which is a scary, weird thing.

My mom passed down to me her old Levi's denim jacket. When I left it on a plane, I was devastated. I've never been able to find anything with quite the same cool, faded look.

I trained with Olympics Athlete Jeanette Kwakye - who is amazing! And Shani Anderson, who is an excellent Olympic runner. We trained five times a week; running, circuits, weights, working out in the gym, and on the track. It was an insane time.

I have an amazing stylist; she's called Rebecca Corbin Murray... I go around to her living room, and it's sort of exploding with dresses, and we go through them all, and she's so good at picking things she knows I'll like, and we work together. She's taught me absolutely everything; she's brilliant.

Drama school was a lifeline for me, it saved me. I found it very nurturing - I just clung on.

I think Keira Knightley is amazing, and I've heard also that she is one of the coolest, most down-to-earth, brilliant girls, and I really look up to her in that respect. She's got it all, really, and I think she's made interesting, bold choices in her work.

My mum thinks I'm amazing at everything. That unconditional love is just the most precious thing you can have.

My dad did every single accent under the sun, and he would read bedtime stories.

There's nothing wrong with falling in love and sharing your life with someone.