I'm misrepresented as a scary person. I'm not. It's all about my size and my eyebrows.

Every girl I've gone out with has said something to me first.

I was always drawn to tough girls. I liked that domineering thing.

A lot of times in Hollywood you're as good as your last job.

When you're in a place like New York or D.C. you just can't beat it, and it's so hard to recreate because they are both such distinctive places.

I am so used to being able to express myself from being an actor. So when people don't understand me, I'm just completely lost.

I was a writer. I just wasn't a very good one. I was lucky enough to have a playwriting teacher who told me that I'd be a better actor than I would a playwright.

There's the private persona and the public persona and the two shall never meet.

I manage to hide in my movies.

Entitlement is lethal.

Style, no matter how outrageous it is, is still an expression of someone's personality. And my personality is somewhere stuck in the classics.

You know, I have a deep, deep affinity for Dr. Seuss.

The skill set for hockey is so specific to skating and if you haven't been skating as a kid it's impossible to play - and I wasn't a skater.

I live with an 18-month-old Jack Russell named Chicken. He moved in about 15 months ago, and it was very hard at first because I work a lot and he doesn't.

Some actors need to be rattled and some need to be focused.

I didn't think that a career in theater was very realistic so I thought the only thing I could make money doing and still be somewhat artistic was, god help me, advertising.

If you fall in love with somebody you're working with, fine, but wait till your project is over.

If I'm doing my job as an actor, the audience knows everything I know about the character.

I've got nothing against L.A. I think it is a really beautiful place. To be able to surf and get out in the Pacific Ocean every once in a while. The hiking, all of that is amazing. I love it there.

If you are going to remake a film, you may as well remake a classic.

Everyone assumes that novelists are smarter and more interesting. They're generally smarter and more interesting, but they're often very short. So it kind of cancels all the smart and interesting stuff out.

I think, the first time I played Iago at the Public Theater, I realized I had a - much to my chagrin - I realized I had an instinct for these conflicted characters, for these torn characters, for these characters who could be described as evil. I wouldn't describe them that way.

I really don't think there is anybody in the business with better eyes than Elijah Wood.

You can think about your career or you can think about your job. I like to think about my job.