I am not a particularly political person, but, as a Tribeca resident, the commodification of September 11th is offensive to me.

The joke I always make about myself is that I'm self-involved, but I'm not vain.

My mom knows pretty well how I see her.

I feel like I don't watch that many shows with death.

I quit acting when I was 11 because I was cast as a bouncing ball in 'Alice in Wonderland,' and I felt slighted and wounded.

At my age, no one is married, no one has kids, no one has a career.

I didn't have to wait six years to get my show on the air, worry that someone else had a similar idea, or wait around for notes that took my voice out of the show.

I would go to work from 9 to 6, go home, nap for two hours, then write from 8 to 2 a.m.

The parts I enjoy playing aren't really available to me. So I have to write them.

You know, when I first started making online videos, there were a lot of filmmakers I befriended who were doing it too.

There's people who don't want to see bodies like mine or bodies like their own bodies.

I thought I was really a radical, political person, which of course I am not.

I've only recently realized that I have a radically different relationship with my parents than a lot of people.

I'm not great at dating, but I need to do it to relax.

It's interesting to see how other people react to an oversharer.

No one wants to see a tattoo on a stomach.

I sometimes want to make a book of every tattoo I wanted to get before I actually got a tattoo, because there were so many awful ideas and concepts.

I do think girls in their twenties accept certain kinds of lesser treatment than they would at other times in their lives.

It's almost like when you're young, your friends take on the romance role, and then guys take on the role of your friends later.

None of my actions have ever sort of been motored by the search for a husband or wondering if I was going to have a family someday or wanting to live in a really great house or thinking it would be really great to have a diamond.

You know, bad poetry I wrote in high school can still be found on the Internet, and, you know, there's a Web log of our college newspaper. You know, there's so many different stages of my creative development are sort of on-record if somebody were to choose to look for them.

I mean, I - it's so funny, I am, you know, I am, you know, a working woman out in the world, but I still live with my parents half the time. I've been sort of taking this very long, stuttering period of moving out.

You know, I always think of myself as sort of ready for every criticism.

Everyone needs something from me.