The 50s are the age of elegance. That's kind of my intention when I get dressed: casual elegance.

I try to meditate.

I work with my instincts. I don't have a process that I learned in an acting class whereby I break a script down or whereby I do a certain kind of research.

I think there's going to be many special episodes of 'Blackish.'

The commercial I did for Kia was hilarious and unexpected, so that, I think, is also another way of signaling to the audience that there's more to me than Morpheus.

I don't necessarily go out and try to do something that's going to be just something that will please the audience. I'm not interested in doing something where I get the most people to come see the movie at the same time and they get the biggest explosion. I'm not interested in that.

Anytime we're talking about Thurgood Marshall, that's a good thing, I think, because it gives us an opportunity to go back, look at the history, and recognize what his contributions were.

Things have become considerably better for men of colour since I was born. But I'd say that we'll be really getting somewhere when things get better for women of colour.

Projects don't need to be special for me to sign up, but I do need them to have something that speaks to me in some way.

Some characters need to be more performance-orientated; some, you have to be still.

Acting is a childlike thing. To act well, you have to be childlike in order to free yourself.

You can't be bad when you're working with a kid. They have the instincts that all great actors have.

I think I've certainly learned a lot of lessons in humility and continue to work on that part of myself.

I had two times in my life where I wanted to give up everything I worked for, but God gave me a job.

I don't ever get to the point where anything is old hat.

Shooting a film with seven to eight actors together is complicated sometimes because you have to cover everybody.

Doing 'CSI: N.Y.' is not 'CSI.' Doing 'CSI: Miami' is not 'CSI: N.Y.,' it's 'CSI: Miami.' It has a very, very specific tone. It has a very specific look. It has a specific way in which they tell their stories that's different from 'CSI: N.Y.' and 'CSI.'

I don't think Othello is a jealous man - he is a man who has been deceived by another person, just as everybody in the play is deceived by that person... The playwright uses the word 'jealousy' over and over and over again, but I don't think it has anything to do with being jealous.

Philanthropic work reminds you of everyone's common humanity, and that's really the common denominator for everyone.

When I came into my adulthood, I recognized how fortunate I was to be doing what I loved to do.

'The Fugitive Kind,' 'Rope,' 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?' - I watched all these as a way of reminding myself that you can do a movie based on a play. You can do a movie that stays in one place for a long stretch.

It's very difficult to set a film in one setting without giving the audience some intensity and some relief.

If you like rock and roll, if you like rhythm and blues, if you like jazz, if you like hip-hop, you might be black-ish.

It's always a collective group of people coming together to oppose those things which are fundamentally contrary to our basic humanity.