I've got a Moroccan shape, where the weight goes on around the belly and the bum.

My social life's moved up a few notches since moving back to London from Surrey because I'm near friends and family again and I'm really enjoying it.

I love salad, but I have to have something 'solid' with it because I don't feel satisfied without carbs.

I get really bad road rage, and if my daughter is in the car I have to bite my lip and try not to swear.

I'm a single parent and it just wouldn't have been possible for me to carry on in 'Primeval' once filming of the show switched to Dublin for ten months.

I love Louboutins and Jimmy Choos, but I've got pairs I've never worn, because I'm still waiting to find the outfit that will go with them.

The make-up on 'Footballers' Wives' is unbelievable - there's loads of fake tan.

I was brought up a Muslim and I respect the religion I was born into, but I don't practise it. However, I do believe in thanking God for my happy life.

I'd watched the first couple of series, dipped in and out of it, but I think everyone's a fan of 'Spooks' even if they don't watch it all the time.

Men huddle in a corner and talk about me, rather than walking up to me and chatting me up.

I did 'Footballer's Wives' for two-and-a-half seasons and I asked to be written out.

I eat little meals throughout the day rather than one huge one that makes you feel stuffed.

I'm the sole provider for my child, I don't get any help. I'm not saying we're poverty stricken, but it does mean I have to work hard.

I'm on my own so I do everything. I think with any mum, guilt is a major factor. You feel guilty dropping your kid off at nursery and going off to work all day. It's so tough to juggle everything, to get it right all the time.

Because I'm not a spy in 'Spooks' and I'm not in every day I'm able to do other things, which is great fun because it breaks it all up for me and I get some time to spend with my daughter.

I've got a varied taste in films. I love a good horror movie - the first few 'Saw' films for example - but I also like comedies.

If I'm going to a party, I dance for as long as possible to burn the calories - the jive is great because you're on your toes a lot so it works your calves, thighs and bum.

I come from a working class family. We barely had anything.

I always base my characters around Miss Piggy - she's my idol!

I'm half Moroccan and half Indian so I have quite an adventurous taste in food.

There is no other parent for Inez. When I was working, I never got to hear about her day or chat about what she was learning or do any reading with her because by the time I got home my nanny had put her to bed.

'Primeval' is very similar to 'Footballers' Wives' - it's pure fantasy.

I come from a background where bigger women are appreciated. After all, you can't belly dance with a flat stomach, so my ideal body would be curvy, womanly and voluptuous.

My style is all over the place. It goes by my mood, but on a day-to-day basis it's relaxed and comfortable, just jeans and T-shirts and no heels unless I'm going to a meeting.