I feel like you're only young once.

I want everyone to know that I love my sister and have always been there for her.

Letting your guard down and the world into your home is very risky, I know.

While my mom was flawed - as we all are - she loved her children more than anything in the world.

I always struggle with explaining my relationship with my sister Kim. I am not sure why I am not always able to be myself when I am around her.

Sometimes my nieces feel more like the little sisters I never had.

I was the executer of our mother's trust. She asked me to hold onto the house for 10 years and then sell it. I think that was because it was so hard to face dying and think of all her most prized possessions no longer being a part of our lives as well. Business wise, it was a terrible investment, because we were losing money.

I am actually a very good cook (if I may say so myself). I just don't know that many recipes.

I admire those that keep Shabbat every week and do not allow anything to interfere with it. It is such a beautiful way to stay connected to friends and family and force yourself to slow down.

If I've gained weight, it's OK. This is life; this is my reality. The weight goes up, it goes down, my skin's not looking great, or whatever it is: it's part of life. I do - I feel pressure to look my best, but I think I do that in just my personal life anyway.

My husband is always supportive and excited about my projects, and I feel very fortunate to have him cheer me on and encourage me.

Anytime I fly anywhere, I think... well, this could be it. I try so hard not to think like that, but I just can't get my head around the concept that this gigantic piece of machinery is 35,000 feet in the air, and I'm sitting in it.

I am very grateful that I have a husband that doesn't find looking too thin attractive. Phew!

I have been dreaming of the day Farrah would graduate from college since the day she was born. When I was pregnant, all of my friends were just starting their first year of college.

I am fortunate that my husband likes to see me having fun and lets me be myself.

There are a lot of dogs that need homes, and it's not always easy to find the right fit.

Doing 'Days of Our Lives' was fun. I always am happy when working on the set. I think it reminds me of my childhood, which, in spite of not being 'normal' in any way, was a happy one.

It's hard giving advice to a friend about their marriage. You never know if you're saying too much or too little.

Nothing is more important to me than family.

I am a straight shooter.

Growing up, cancer was one of those things that I heard other people talk about. The word scared me, but I always thought, 'Thank goodness I don't have to worry about that.' Then, in 1998, I lost my father to cancer.

Raising teens is a challenge - that's for sure.

'Housewives' opened the door for me for people to listen.

I have been known to have four-letter words fly out of my mouth when I'm upset.