Most people in TV are nice but there are some who just live in Egoville. They're not talented, they're just famous. I don't want to be like that.

I find it really easy to be aggressive, I find it easy to cry.

I'm like most people. I keep fit for myself. I'm not religious about it but I like to get to the gym whenever I can.

I'll spend about an hour and a half working out: mobility, activate whatever muscles, a full-body session every time, some full-body exercises and some upper-body exercises.

I don't want to let anyone down and I don't want to let myself down.

I knew I wanted to marry Liz the day I met her. Deep down I knew she was The One.

I'm very fortunate now in that I have my first love, which is drama and acting, for a living and I'm also managing to go racing as well.

I just want to be a normal lad and not known as 'that bloke off the telly.'

I felt that as an actor I continued to excel and felt really comfortable and confident in myself that I wanted to at least give it a go and picture myself doing other things. It was testament to 'Emmerdale' that they gave me the confidence and creativity to pursue other challenges.

There's no denying for me that 'Emmerdale' is an amazing place to work. I've got so much to be grateful for. Over the years it's given me a great sense of purpose and a real sense of belonging.

When I'm out and about, I never get chatted up by women in an obvious way.

I'll be happiest when I've got my wife and my home.

I went to, you know, a church in Chicago, and my mom, of course, was in the choir because my mom was a singer; she used to sing. I wanted to be in the choir as well, and I was like, 'Mom, please, you know, I want to sing in the choir with you guys.' I kept on asking her, and finally I was, you know, in the choir.

Queen Latifah has been a huge part of my career. She has been a huge, huge part of my career since the very beginning.

I've done a lot of meditation studying on my own, but I've also taken a couple of transcendence classes.

I mix my lipsticks a lot. Depending on how I decide to do my eyes, I'll decide to do my lips. I've never really loved wearing only red or purple, and sometimes just pink isn't enough.

I love being brown, so I love using Guerlain Terracotta Bronzing Powder. I use it everywhere: my forehead, my cheekbones, a little bit by my chin. It gives me a golden balance that I really like. I also use the Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector for my highlighter right underneath my eye. It's a pretty color - it's not too much and not too little.

I'm a little bit sillier than past Cinderellas... at least, I am so far. But it's only the second day into rehearsal!

I grew up in Chicago, but when I was 12, I came to New York because I was doing an episode of 'Law & Order.'

I decided to not be so dismissive of my music in favor of my acting. Acting has been such a consistent thing for me; a lot of times in the past, I wouldn't have had the confidence with my music to really make it a part of my schedule. I would easily push it to the side, or I would easily take up time that was needed for it.

I'm definitely a perfectionist. I started entertaining so young. I think, naturally, my personality is that of a perfectionist, and then on top of that, growing up in the industry, I became very objective and analytical of myself early on, and I find myself doing that in everything.

I'm usually the one who creates most of my work. I have a lot of different ideas that I want to do, so I'm always like, 'Get on it, girl.'

Growing up in the industry, sometimes you can feel as if you're not having a normal childhood, but I feel like my parents involved me with a lot of people who made things as 'okay' as they possibly could.

I'm very happy to be part of a generation where you don't have to say that you're gay. It's just like, 'I'm dating a dude,' or, 'I'm dating a girl,' and I love it. I think it's a great time.