My mum is Brazilian and very proud. I'd love to do a Brazilian film. I've been brought up in the Brazilian culture. My mum brought me up on my own, I cook Brazilian food, I've never spoken a word of English to my mother.

There are so many things that you're supposed to conform to as an actress. Keep your mouth shut. Look pretty. Be a fashionista. I'm not stylish. I don't want to become this character.

Most people think of 'Wuthering Heights' as romantic; it's really not about that at all.

Mum built a life for me in a difficult place at a difficult time.

I was bullied; I was kind of a girl in the corner. So acting was a great outlet for me by pretending to be someone else.

It's very strange: I watch a lot of interviews with other actors that I know saying, 'Oh we had a great time; we're best buddies,' and I know for a fact that they didn't, and they actually hated each other.

'Skins' was never about sending a message. It was showing you everything there was and letting you make a decision.

Do the little things that make you feel normal and happy, even if that's just getting in your pyjamas and watching 'X Factor' at the weekend.

I like the idea of up-and-coming actors nowadays being a little different and not necessarily the drama-school stereotype, being a bit more edgy.

She had to play the role of mother and father at the same time, and she did it to perfection. I managed to find a way through because of her. My mother is my biggest inspiration.

I like working with new and young directors.

'Skins' is actually a part of who I am as a person, so I was really focused on making sure the scripts and the story lines were right.

My mother is Brazilian, and her grandfather was Italian.

I'm not comfortable doing nudity. That's something quite personal.

I'm lucky: I've got one of those fast metabolisms where I can eat whatever I want, and I don't put on weight. But I know that's only when you're young. It'll probably hit me when I'm 30.

What attracted me to 'The Maze Runner' is its pure action.

The way I work, I didn't hold the accent all day.

Acting's such a good job in that you're stimulating and pushing yourself constantly. I'd never want to do anything comfortable.

I don't know any women who are one-dimensional, so why would I play one?

I've just made a cancer drama, called 'Now Is Good,' directed by Ol Parker and starring Dakota Fanning. We filmed in Brighton and it's about a girl dying of leukemia, although it's not as depressing as it sounds.

Kids will pick up on weakness, and I was very shy growing up. I was skinny and flat-chested; I didn't have the latest clothes. For me, it was about being left out and not having any friends and being laughed at. I was very lonely, but that happens to so many people.

I believe there are some things meant only for you and the person you love.

I was painfully shy as a child; I was dyslexic. I had a single mother who's an immigrant. I just didn't believe acting was something that people like me could do on a professional level.

'Skins' meant so much to so many people. It was so much part of its time, and I was so young.