I look around, and 50 percent of the big-budget entertainment you are seeing these days is dystopian. This is the era of 'Hunger Games' and blasted landscapes and 'The Walking Dead.'

Take care, be kind, be considerate of other people and other species, and be loving.

Britain is probably the most sophisticated combination of a monarchy and a democracy.

When good things come along, you end up saying yes to them. Because they're rare.

Time sneaks up on you like a windshield on a bug.

I always stay with my parents. When you come home, you gotta do that. It's weird to be like, 'Hey, I'm at a hotel. Drive 20 minutes to see me, and we'll have dinner.'

I've always loved those movies where somebody really wants something, and then the thing they want is right in front of them.

I think we all get into situations where we don't know how to proceed, and those are really the scariest moments that we have, but that's also what makes us 'grow up' and learn a lot about each other.

I love feeling strong. You pick up your daughter with ease while everyone else makes a little grunt when they pick up their kids.

A good part's a good part. You can play serious and funny moments with a well-written role.

Luckily, I have two of the coolest parents around. They're so open about having any and all experiences, so they never hindered us in any way by categorizing or judging anything.

People aren't throwing themselves at me, but I also don't go out very much. Like, when I do go out, it's for breakfast, so it's a little hard to throw yourself at me during breakfast.

My parents and my brothers and their wives are incredible and formed me as a person long before I got to Hollywood.

If you did go to high school and then college, there's definitely a solidarity with someone that is from your hometown and knows your mom and all that stuff.

I've always loved where my dad came from and the ideals that he instilled in me.

I'm not trying to be the triple threat guy. I'm still working on this one threat; acting.

My favorite water cooler topic is fantasy football. I used to make fun of friends for doing it and now I'm obsessed.

It's tough to live in New York and be in the business.

It's definitely particular to each situation, but whether it is a long history or someone that you're intimidated by or someone that you didn't think you ever had a shot at, at the end of the day, I think we're all living through high school, every day.

To me, it seems like both 'Brief Interviews' and 'The Office' deal with characters that see themselves differently than the world sees them.

I remember when I saw 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,' I wanted to go out and direct a movie right there on the streets of Manhattan. Unfortunately, you can't without permits.

I planned on being an English teacher, but I don't know where that went.

I had never taken acting at Brown to be the beginnings of a career. I always did it just for fun.

Bizarrely, on movie sets, they don't really dig it when you look in the camera, which is a bizarre fact.