Where does guilt and punishment lie, and are we not more expressive over remorse or guilt when other people see the badness in us?

I thought I'd be married and a father by 35.

I had a black belt in Shotokan as a kid.

I think the life of an actor is glamorous to other people, but then the reality sets in: you don't know where you will be next year or how long you'll be there for.

I did my holy communion, and it was amazing how quickly the stories of the Bible and God and Jesus got under my skin.

Some people are really good at playing the movie star - they are really good at cultivating that mystique - but I'm not really into that.

Some of us are better at owning the responsibility of our actions than others.

I'm single, footloose and fancy free, I have no responsibilities, no anchors. Work, friendship and self-improvement, that's me.

I'm not going to allow myself to second-guess projects. I'm just going to do the ones that I fully love and believe in - that's a real privilege.

I'm really great at making terrible analogies.

I'm hardly digging trenches for a living. I'm getting to tap into my boyhood fantasies of being a larger-than-life character.

Everybody's a mix of good and bad choices that they make.

I've never seen a film get away completely unscathed like I have 'Animal Kingdom.' There's not a single bad review that I've read of it yet; all through Sundance, all it got was high praise.

Gene Hackman was a superstar in the '70s - with that face!

I'm pretty skeptical about Hollywood and its fascination with the sequel and the franchise.

I've signed four autographs for Sam Worthington in L.A., and I haven't told any of the people that I'm not him.

All I can say is working with Ridley Scott is a dream come true.

People love boxing, but you've gotta wait two or three years for your favorite boxer to have a fight.

I really like kids.

I'm the great-great-grandson of a sheep stealer.

I operate under the theory that all publicity is good publicity, and then, if that theory doesn't work, you just say that any newspaper article ends up on the bottom of the parrot cage. But, of course, you can't line a parrot cage with Internet bloggers, can you?

I did have someone tell me that I looked like Conan O'Brien. I was like, 'What?'

My brother and I are best friends.

I always wonder why people cast me in anything.