I love everyone on 'Silicon Valley.'

I hope I can get to more and more of the Chinese audience and kind of lead the way to maybe, y'know, inspire seems like a big word, but y'know... inspire to get people into entertainment because I think we can be just as good as anybody else.

I think you have to experience life and then pull certain experiences into your act and your character's life, whoever you play, so you're full.

Other Asian actors, especially American-born actors, sometimes shy away from immigrant roles.

Immigrant characters now are getting much more well-rounded, and they have personalities, which is important because we do need to portray immigrants in a humanizing way.

I went to school for economics, and especially in Asian culture it's not really a viable job for my family to be an artist.

I have some scripts, I'm putting a couple of projects together with people I want to work with. I think that's the most exciting part, when you can hopefully create your own content and find the people that you love that you get to work with.

You know something like 'Patriots Day' that I did a few years ago, which is a drama, is very different than comedy. That was super rewarding. I want to do more of that and also my own writing.

Silicon Valley,' I mean, the comedy is amazing, and it's one of the best-written shows with some of the best talent. I'm really happy to be a part of it.

I think in China they have a camera for every street corner, and if you jaywalk, they don't give you a ticket. They put you on the big TV screen to shame you.

It's maybe a better thought to change the perception of an accent than to avoid it all together.

I've heard other actors saying they don't want to play a character with an accent at all. To me, that's kind of an insult to somebody like me who did have an accent.

I guess I've lived my whole life as an outsider.

I worked at Big 5 Sporting Goods, selling shoes and stuff like that, for a couple of summers.

I was always pretty good with making deals. When I was in sixth grade, when Pokemon cards were hot, I might have started with, like, three or four cards, and then at the end of the year, through trading with my friends and everything, I ended up with the biggest card collection in my school.

My mom worked as a manager at a high-end fashion place, so she was always a pretty stylish woman.

Usually when you're Asian and you're on set, you're the only Asian there. Either you're the token Asian or you're the Asian sidekick.

When you're 1 out of 5 Asian people on TV, all the pressure is on you and you have to represent.

Why is it when a white actor or even a black actor does a British accent, it's considered art?

I went back to Hong Kong for the first time in 17 years and I was culture shocked in Hong Kong.

Normal people don't become stand-up comedians.

I know Asian actors out there won't even audition for a role that have an accent. But for me, I was the kid with an accent. I still have an accent to some degree.

But my comedy hero was Stephen Chow. His deadpan comedy, all the stuff he wrote like 'From Beijing with Love,' it's incredibly funny.

You'd see Asian faces on TV, but it was so rare, especially in the comedy space - that for me was Ken Jeong doing stand-up... it's amazing that I can call him a friend now and a colleague.