When I was in college, every summer I would work for free at a theater.

Why does everyone think they need to be a star? It's ridiculous. The celebrity culture is so silly, and the fact that people grow up thinking that it's something to aspire to just seems wrong. I don't mean to bash my life. I love my life; I just think it's not the only way to go.

I'm a peace-maker, I can fit into a lot of situations. I'm pretty easygoing. I have a lot of patience.

I miss West Virginia very much.

I'm a pretty hard worker.

When Jen Aniston and Brad Pitt broke up, I was dying to see something that said they were getting back together.

I danced six hours a day. My cross to bear is that my children have no interest in ballet. I think they could smell how much I wanted to put their hair in a bun.

I wasn't raised in a household where vanity was celebrated. That just wasn't on the top of our list.

But I'll never be one of those women who feel that they always have to wear earrings and aren't properly dressed without them.

I don't know anyone who was never a geek, really, when they look at their own lives. I think that from the outside looking in, you think that you weren't necessarily a tragic geek, but yes, you did lean in that direction.

I thought the divorce statistics would never apply to me. I was beyond heartbroken when they did. But I got up and got on with it. I also kept my belief in marriage.

I am usually part of any disaster at a wedding if I'm a bridesmaid, which I've been lucky enough to be several times.

I just try work out at least twice a week if I can.

I try to eat in a way that makes me feel good. If that means a little bite of chocolate I do that, but I try not to use food as a reward for myself.

My mom was really vigorous about making sure that we saw things and that we questioned things. Education was so important to both of my parents.

We all have a responsibility to volunteer somewhere and I'm lucky that I get the education and get taken to places to see what's out there and see what's happening and to then be a part of it in hopefully an impactful way.

My world was a community ballet school, a marching band, my two sisters and my girlfriends. I played saxophone in the band and was a bit nerdy.

The outside world can be very tough.

In my teens, I was never part of the cool crowd.

I certainly never expected to be in front of a camera one day of my life.

Going after 'the bad guy' has not been a real issue for me.

I never had a problem resisting somebody that I knew was going to break my heart.

I will tell you what I can't abide - and I think the Internet has really created a space for it - women criticizing other women and mothers criticizing other mothers.

I'm still conflict-averse. I don't like to argue.