You know, because of the lack of budget, we had to find neighborhoods where time had stopped - kind of stuck in the '50s. And no place had that better than Staten Island.

Poker is just a hobby I'm passionate about. It's not supposed to bring glory.

I'm a singer and performer in a hybrid show that's standup, music and audience participation.

Actors go, 'I just want to act.' And I say to them, 'You know, stop for a second and think about what charges you up the most. Do you want to be on the stage, do you want to be in film, do you want to be a comic actor? Do you just want to make it for the money and capitalize on your look and do commercials and soaps?'

I love smart comedy.

Acting is not terribly important work, and I have always felt a bit of guilt about pursuing something that is so selfish. I love doing it, but it is never something that feels like it's going to change or save the world.

I still don't know much about directing a movie.

I guess the Reagan era is defined as the 'I want it all for me, and screw everybody else' era.

The Middle East is a very difficult stage to play upon. Without doubt, it is a good drama. And on occasion, there are situations so unimaginable, if not ludicrous, as to make them almost comic. But the cast is constantly changing, the audience is often disengaged, and it seems at times that no one is actually running the show.

If I could really move my career much more into predominantly directing, I would jump at that.

I met the real George Steinbrenner on only one occasion when he actually came and played himself on an episode of 'Seinfeld.' He seemed to really enjoy himself. I did not get to know him, but the fact that he allowed himself and his beloved team to be satirized on our show is an indication to me of his true character.

Usually, characters that are doing something nefarious have some extra layers to them. The general rule is bad people don't necessarily think they are bad.

Is it my end-all and be-all to become a standup comic? No.

The pilot of 'Seinfeld' was made and dropped. 'Seinfeld' was not supposed to go to series.

Jerry Seinfeld made a puddle, I stepped in it, and wonderful things happened.

Comedy lives on in the web and TV, but nobody's pressing comedy albums anymore.

One of the reasons I love acting is because I'm so interested in other people's lives, and I often incorporate things I hear or observe into my work. I've become a bit of a 'person addict,' and so I like brushing up against lots of different characters.

People complain about not having a social life and always working. But I enjoy working.

I am quite an easy going person so I get along with my co-actors quite easily.

In a time when supernatural dramas are taking charge, Dil Toh Happy Hai Ji' is a slice-of-life story. I have grown up watching such shows and I am sure the audience will love it too.

Unfortunately, people always tend to think that girls are weak when it comes to physical tasks. The pressure is there to prove them wrong.

My problem is I cannot be manipulative and diplomatic. And to survive on a show like BB,' you have to be very smart. I cannot put so much pressure on my mind. It will be a mental pressure on me.

I love to watch Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai.' The comic timing of the actors is amazing. It makes me laugh endlessly sitting on my sofa.

When you play a daily soap character that character lives with you for a really long time.