The one thing you can ask, I think, is that actors get paid a living wage. I would like it if all the repertory theatres that currently exist could do that. It would make a huge difference.

I know actors who have had to turn down good roles because they just don't pay enough. It's hard.

Most actors are not rich - they are very poor indeed. What keeps them going is that they just love the job.

There's something wholesome about the theatre.

Eventually, before I die, I hope to have written about every part I've played.

I'll never put my memoirs in print.

The press like to talk to actors. They mustn't be surprised when actors talk back to them.

It's nice for me to be in touch with a younger generation.

Gandalf is ever-present in my life. I like it.

Capitalism offers you freedom, but far from giving people freedom, it enslaves them.

It is really, really wonderful that in your old age you are protected by specialists who understand your problems and sort them out for you. Well, isn't that what we all need?

I always walk up the escalator on the Tube, and I live in a house with a lot of stairs, and that's good exercise, but you need more than that.

I think with Shakespeare you can be required to do absolutely anything at the turn of a sixpence - suddenly you go into a battle, suddenly you utter something passionate.

Bolton School has a great tradition in the liberal arts.

When I appeared in 'Coronation Street,' I lived in Manchester and enjoyed it very much.

I certainly wouldn't define myself as a northerner. I'm not even really sure what that means. I've lived in London for 50 years. I wasn't born here, but I have spent most of my life here. So I don't make much of it, to be honest. I'm just myself.

Why not celebrate those who want to marry and bring up a family?

I can't make up my mind whether I want to dance like Josef Brown or dance with Josef Brown.

The BAFTAs give the British point of view, and the Oscars give the American point of view, but the truth is we're all working in an international industry.

My own death threats have declined considerably.

Establishing the rights for gay people to be married would cost the Australian government nothing financially and would gain for you worldwide respect from people like us and, of course, would change lives enormously - the lives of gay people and of their friends and of their families and therefore of Australia as a whole.

One school invited me down, as two pupils had come out, and the headmaster didn't know what to do about it. I said, 'How many students here are gay?' and he said, 'Just these two.' Clearly not. 'How many gay members of staff have you got?' He had no idea. And this was a concerned man.

If we just made one movie, 'The Hobbit,' the fact is that all the fans, the eight-, nine- and 10-year-old boys, they would watch it 1,000 times. Now, they've got three films they can watch 1,000 times.

Anyone who thinks Peter Jackson would fall for market forces around him rather than artistic integrity doesn't know the guy or the body of his work.