I always take off my makeup. My mother always told me to do this, and I never go to bed without doing it. I use a good moisturizer and Mario Badescu face wash.

I love French films, and I copy things I see in them. I read magazines and also look at Tumblr. I love nails, so I literally just search the word 'nails' on Tumblr and start looking.

If you're in a film that you're proud of and you care about, then you're always happy to talk about it.

I'm happiest when I'm discussing a script and working with interesting people.

Actors and directors work on things together. That's how I like to work, anyway. I don't want to be told what to do. I want to share it with someone and work it out together.

I love spending time researching a character and reading about them.

I think the writing skills of actors are sometimes underestimated.

I just took everything so seriously in my early twenties. But now I'm like, 'life can be fun.' You don't have to overthink everything. I've found a way to be more at peace with things. I'm looking forward to turning 30.

I love the Spider-Man story. I watched the cartoon on TV when I was a kid, and my brother wore his Spider-Man pyjamas everywhere.

Emotional messiness is my reason for life. In acting, it's so important.

In everyday life, I like APC, Isabel Marant, but I also like Zara. It depends how I'm feeling on the day. I like clothes that have a certain strength to them - simple but graphic.

I'm obsessed with subtexts. I love that we often don't say what we feel. That gap between the two. I like it when actors reveal a lot without having to say it.

I learnt circus skills in drama group, so I can juggle.

I like to jump into different worlds. I'm attracted to the emotional rollercoaster of acting. Now I've been doing it for so many years, I must rather enjoy it.

In a way, 'Like Crazy' keys into our generation, this idea of now we can still be in communication. Where do the boundaries of relationships end?

I'm a horrible perfectionist and very highly strung. That's why I do yoga: to unwind.

When I was 11 years old, I was a member of 'Press Pack,' which was a thing that would come out in 'The Sunday Times' in England. You'd write articles and send them off and would get a badge saying 'Official Press.' I was really excited about my badge.

I've never done this level of physical preparation for something. Particularly for 'Rogue One' where I was training every day and doing kung fu rehearsals on a daily basis. But that's part of the reason I wanted to do it, because it was very different from what I've done before.

When I come home, I am literally the most popular person with my friends' parents for doing 'The Archers.'

There's so much that goes into a film that I feel like it's a bit arrogant to say, 'Oh, I never watch my own movies.' Well, it's not just you. There's a whole host of other people. So much skill goes into it. But I would say it does take a couple times seeing it to get a level of perspective.

For everyone, 'Star Wars' has been a part of their lives in some capacity. I remember watching it very early on with my cousins and my brother, and we were all cuddled around the VHS player, which sounds very old-fashioned, but that was the way then.

I don't think my parents would have let me go straight into acting full time when I was 12. I do like to have balance, naturally, as an individual.

I always think Michelle Williams is excellent in her work. And I do love Sofia Coppola. She always creates something so atmospheric. I love Wes Anderson, Roman Coppola, Andrea Arnold.

I think there is an enormous appetite for great roles for women. You can see that clearly with things like 'The Hunger Games.'