The moonsault - I climb to the top rope and back flip onto my opponent. It's very effective but can be risky if my opponent moves out of the way.

I have been in a 'man's' world as long as I can remember. I was an engineering major in college, I am a sports entertainer in the WWE, and I teach self-defense.

It's easy to say standup for yourself. The problem is if you don't feel like you're physically capable of handling the repercussions of that, especially at a young age, it's hard to do that.

It's a great feeling to know that, through my hard work, I am adding to a long list of accomplishments for Latinas in the United States.

That's one reason I really love 'Supergirl.' It's a great show for people to watch with their children - sons and daughters alike. It features strong female characters which is always something to appreciate.

I always keep a good manicure because these are acrylics. They're the safest because your real nails are actually sharper than acrylics.

Kids have to understand that they have control. Not their parents, not the principal, not the president of the U.S. It starts with them and it ends with them. To end this epidemic of bullying they have to standup for one another.

Jiu-jitsu is something I absolutely love.

I would say my most disappointing moment was not competing in a match even though I was Divas Champion at 'WrestleMania XXVII.' Although, I did get to be a part of a fun backstage segment with Stone Cold, the Rock, and Mae Young... not too shabby!

My WWE Divas championship belt is pink and sparkly, but it doesn't mean I'm a princess. It means girls can kick butt!

My son was three months old when I started filming 'The Hobbit,' and I was still breastfeeding.

If you're going to tell stories about life, you have to include a woman in your story.

I'm an actress, but I'm not stupid.

I seem to be landing really great locations on a lot of my work. I hope that continues, knock on wood.

I have been a bit of a reluctant actress since the get-go, since the beginning of 'Lost.'

When I got old enough to date, I realized that Valentine's Day is just a commercial marketing scam to make men feel bad. So I let my boyfriends off the hook.

I definitely come down on the spiritual side. I think very few things in life happen by chance.

The difference in my body from pre-pregnancy to post-baby was night and day. I didn't have the strength, I didn't have the flexibility, I didn't have the stamina, I didn't have the mobility. I felt like I was handicapped.

As a filmmaker, you have to understand the essence of the book and tell the story you want to see on the screen, and hopefully please yourself - because you can't possibly please everyone.

'The Squickerwonkers' was the story I wrote when I was on 'The Hobbit.' And I brought it to Comic-Con and sold out a thousand copies I had printed.

One of the things that I miss about Canada is that even the strangers, you have an immediate rapport, there's just an understanding that we're all good people, let's be nice to each other. And Kiwis have that. I find the Kiwis have that.

There's nothing more frustrating than when fans use a nickname. That's like people you don't know using names from people that you're intimate with. Like if my mom has a nickname and a fan finds it out and starts using it, that's creepy.

I don't watch TV. When people at my house try to talk about TV, I'm like, 'Ah, I have no idea what I'm talking about.'

I consider acting a day job - it's not my dream; it's not my be-all, end-all.