Before I came to Bollywood, lot of people told me that here things are not very professional, but I've had no such experience.

Hindi film and southern film industries are doing well when it comes to technical know how. By and large, they are pretty similar and are close knit industries.

A newcomer needs to be careful as to what kind of role they choose. If you choose something different, you will end up getting typecast. That's why I chose to play a character my age, to keep my options open for the future.

In 10 months, I was replaced from three films. That's when I realised I need to take my work seriously. It's a blessing I didn't get things easy. If I had, I wouldn't realise the value of success.

Everyone gets a raise when they do well. No one asked me what I got for my initial films. There was a time I got paid Rs. 6 lakh. I charge what producers are willing to pay me.

Growth is a sub-conscious activity, and I learnt a lot in this course, and I'm always open to learning and grasping new things from people. I'm learning with every film, and my confidence levels and technique is also getting better with each film.

When I initially moved to the city, I had to stay in hotels for almost two years. I was fed up of that life, and it was then that I decided that I wanted a home in the city, so I shifted base permanently.

A lot of people tell me, 'You are from North; how do you manage to get along in the South?' I don't know what to say to them. I've always felt at home here, and by learning to speak Telugu, my connection with the place has gotten that much stronger.

Tollywood is where I made a name for myself, and it's all thanks to the love and affection my fans have showered on me. The least I can do in return is to learn to speak the Telugu language correctly.

After becoming an actor, it's the privacy that I miss.

A lot of hard work goes into making a film. It's not all fun time, as people tend to think. There are always stereotypes attached to every profession, but I found out this industry breaks them all.

Reviewers are entitled to say if they liked the screenplay, performance, and execution of a film or not. But when they say things like the film doesn't cater to a certain audience, it leaves people wondering if they should watch it.

I've been to Chennai several times for modelling shows and shooting ad films. It's a great place to come back to because the people are warm and welcoming. I've never had the opportunity to actually see the city, but whatever places I've been to have really caught my attention.

I think female-centric films shouldn't be only about thriller or horror. Angelina Jolie has been doing all kinds of stuff.

I've seen 'Legend'. I like a different kind of cinema, but when done with conviction, anything looks good.

For being in a relationship or to be linked up with somebody, you need to have time. I hang out with my friends just at my leisure, but there's no time to get into any link up.

I'm greedy for work, and at times, I wish a month had more days, or the day had more number of hours, so that I could work more. I'm happy to be busy.

A lot of people don't know that I had a special appearance in 'Keratam'; that was my first Telugu film. I only shot for four to five days. When they called me, I said, 'I can't give 60 days for a movie. If you have something for one week or 10 days, then I can accommodate.'

I can memorise lines quickly. Knowing Telugu now has helped improve my performance.

My first film would have been 'Rough,' and it got delayed. 'Venkatadri Express' released first and became a big success. I signed 'Venkatadri' after 15 days of shooting for 'Rough'. I had lot of faith in the script, and I feel luck plays a major part.

I am a total beach person, and that's why I just love coming to Vizag. The city also reminds me of the peaceful defence colonies of my childhood.

There's work for everybody, and I believe every actor gets what he/she deserves. Honestly, I just want to work as long as I can and do great films and act with every good actor around.

A stylist understands our body language; they know what works and what doesn't. I'm happy this concept has caught on in the South film industry.

I love to travel. This is the time for me. When will I do it if not now?