I never jumped into anything, and I never liked being cajoled into anything. I've pretty much always done things because I wanted to do them.

I don't need to see the old school to remember it and the teachers there. They changed the way that I've always looked at life and learning.

Change never bothers me, not really.

Chicago's always a friendly place to me.

I wasn't so sure about signing up for 'Law & Order.' I liked the show, but another TV series? I'll tell you, though, it's been great, and I had no idea how popular the show was.

I would love, one day before this is all over, to do a Western. That, and to play a priest.

I didn't fall for a lot of that stardom stuff.

I was a policeman for 18 years.

Rooting for the Cubs is not easy, but the best things in life never are.

You can't act for the editing. You just go in and do the scene the way you think is right.

You can change a person's life in an instant; put him in a movie, and you start thinking differently, you want to be in another movie. It's like an addiction almost.

When they released Sidewalks of New York, there were some shots with the towers they were going to take out, and Ed told them no. I don't think they can deny the towers were a part of New York.

When I was a kid going to the movies, we'd go because Bogart was in the movie, or Cagney, or John Wayne. We didn't know what the story was about or anything.

Vince or Brad or Benicio would say, Maybe we should try this, and Guy was open to changes.

Usually you're in movies with a lot of dissolves and things, but this was kind of quick, more jarring than usual. I thought it would be fun to be in a movie that's unconventional. Then I met Guy and I liked him. I think he's a good man.

This is my first experience working in a foreign movie, but the mechanics, I think, are pretty much the same all over; you still have to wait in the trailer.

The cast was huge, but I never saw anybody.

The British have slang words, as we do, but it was fun.

I've tried writing. Two days later I'd go visit it and say, Jesus Christ, who wrote this crap?

I'd love to do a Western. A real Western like John Ford used to do. There's not too many of them made, so I don't know if I'll ever get to do that. They're awfully hard movies to make.

I wanted to do Buddy Faro as a small budget movie. They said no. So I wanted to do it as a series of recurring TV movies, and they said no. So I agreed to do it as a series.

I think all actors are supposed to be character actors.

I read the script and try not to bring anything personal into it. I make notes, talk to the director and we decide what kinds of shades should be in the character.

I love England and the historical aspect of it.