Light itself is a revelation.

I'm working to bring celestial objects like the sun and moon into the spaces that we inhabit.

Generally, we use light to illuminate other things. I like the thingness, the materiality of light itself. So it feels like it's occupying the space, making a plane, being something that was there, not just passing through. Because light is just passing through. I make these spaces that seem to arrest it for our perception.

I've always been interested in arrival, and coming to a space, and even to looking back at where you were.

I want to create an atmosphere that can be consciously plumbed with seeing... like the wordless thought that comes from looking in a fire.

In a way, light unites the spiritual world and the ephemeral, physical world. People frequently talk about spiritual experiences using the vocabulary of light: Saul on the road to Damascus, near-death experiences, samadhi or the light-filled void of Buddhist enlightenment.

We live within this reality we create, and we're quite unaware of how we create the reality.

All art is contemporary art because it had to be made when it was now.

Light is a powerful substance. We have a primal connection to it. But, for something so powerful, situations for its felt presence are fragile.

It is only when light is reduced that the pupil opens and feeling goes out of the eyes like touch.

This wonderful elixir of light is the thing that actually connects the immaterial with the material - that connects the cosmic to the plain everyday existence that we try to live in.

Light knows when you're looking at it.

In age of consumerism and materialism, I traffic in blue sky and colored air.

I sell blue sky and coloured air.

We're made for the light of a cave and for twilight. Twilight is the time we see best. When we dim the light down, and the pupil opens, feeling comes out of the eye like touch. Then you really can feel colour, and experience it.

An inventor's path is chorused with groans, riddled with fist-banging and punctuated by head scratches.

China can and will be an invaluable trading partner to both the U.S. and the U.K.

I've fought court battles over my inventions before.

I own every share of my company, and I don't want to sell any of it.

I don't design down to a price.

When I started off, I was working in a shed behind my house. All I had was a drill, an electric drill. That was the only machine I had.

Arbitrary benchmarks cheat kids out of a fulfilling education.

China has all the advantages in the world. But it doesn't have a history of free thinking, risk-taking pioneers - the kind of people the U.S. is built upon.

I myself scraped seven poor passes at O-level.