you don't need talent to be an artist. 'Artist' is just a frame of mind. Anybody can be an artist, anybody can communicate if they are desperate enough.

What all of us artists are doing is using our pain as material to create our work.

Most of the fans of John Lennon and maybe John and Yoko are younger than me.

Everybody's an artist. Everybody's God. It's just that they're inhibited.

My life was pretty rough.

I see so many activists... who are artists because they feel that they have the power of communication.

Women artists are still treated differently from men.

Why do they cover Paul's songs but never mine?

Many incredible artists die before they were famous.

When you go to war, both sides lose totally.

The cynicism that you have is not your real soul.

True artists are prophets. I don't want to be that prophetic in that sense because it's so lonely.

Artists and musicians of the Sixties were definitely into clothes.

If your life changes, we can change the world, too.

Everyone is an artist and a genius, I think. If we don't choose to limit ourselves then we are totally accomplished.

I don't think you make a choice to be an artist. There was no decision for me. I've been expressing myself this way since I can remember.

I never wanted to be a professional artist; I think that's limiting.

I have been known as the minimal and conceptual artist for over five decades. I think I haven't changed much.

What we do really affects the world. Most of us think we can't do anything, but it really isn't true.

I think of John every day. I do try to block it, but December 8th is not the only day I think of him.

In the '60s, people were still very protective of each field that they belonged to. Avant-garde artists didn't know about rock or pop or jazz. And the jazz people of course didn't want to know about any other music. They were all just kind of protecting their territory.

We artists have the dignity to tell the truth to the people, unlike politicians.

Some people don't listen to my music because they say that I am an artist. And some don't want to go to my gallery shows, because they say I am a musician.

People accuse artists of being narcissists - of course we are! If we don't like ourselves, who's going to like us?