If you do performance and music, it's not performance as music.

I want to dominate the man's world.

For me, the most difficult piece is the one I'm about to make.

Because of technology, we don't develop telepathy. We don't use telepathy, but use, you know, the mobile phones. Why?

I want people to come to me open and vulnerable. When they come to the gallery, they have to leave their watches, their computers, their Blackberrys, iPads, iPhones, because we are so incredibly used to technology, and I wanted to remove that.

I give people a space to simply sit in silence and communicate with me deeply but non-verbally.

I am very clear that I am not a feminist. It puts you into a category and I don't like that.

Artists should never think of themselves as an idol. Fame is a side effect of one's work.

There's plenty of talented women. Why do men take over the important positions? It's simple. Love, family, children - a woman doesn't want to sacrifice all of that.

Aborigines are not just the oldest race in Australia; they are the oldest race on the planet. They look like dinosaurs.

The mind is crazy thing. To be focused is the most difficult thing.

Performance has to be mainstream art. This is what I'm fighting for.

I grew up with my grandmother because my parents were making careers and didn't have much time for me. She was a highly religious Serbian Orthodox, spending most of her time in church. It's a great mix, and I use all these elements in my work.

When Lady Gaga says I am her inspiration, you reach kids between 12 and 18. Now I am like a brand - jeans, Coca-Cola.

People have so much pain inside them that they're not even aware of.

I had difficult mother, difficult childhood like she had. She is Sagittarius like I am. I almost died from broken heart because of love. And she really did.

I don't know anything about the afterlife because I haven't been there yet.

I test the limits of myself in order to transform myself, but I also take the energy from the audience and transform it.

Artists can do whatever they want!

The most revolutionary ideas are not sellable, but only mind-changing.

I believe so much in the power of performance I don't want to convince people. I want them to experience it and come away convinced on their own.

I have the greatest respect for Aborigine people, to whom I owe everything. The time I spent with members of the Pijantjatjara and Pintupi tribes in Australia was a transformative experience for me and one that has deeply and indelibly informed my entire life and art.

It's very important that young artists push boundaries, because sometimes you have this urge to do something - like the impulsive and dangerous urges I had as a child - and if you don't follow through with it you might miss out on a developmental experience.

When people ask me where I am from I never say, 'Serbia.' I always say, 'I come from a country that no longer exists.'