I can only write about personal stuff, about my point of view.

What I don't want to do is go out there and not be able to mean it, you know?

I can deal with people who watch me on stage but I am not good in communicating with people any other way than through my work.

It is just that I don't want a wife and I don't want kids.

This is my 25th year of being on stage. A lot of people who I kind of toed up to the starting line with are no longer in this position. I feel very, very lucky.

I get angry about stuff, I get very emotionally intense about stuff and that's how I get it out - with books, with the band, on my own onstage, but it's always kind of a wail.

Imagine a 15-year-old kid saying, 'I have two moms - it's cool.' I don't fear that at all.

More and more, journalism seems to have hopped out of Truth's pocket and crept into another.

I think the U.K. is an amazing place and has been extremely good to me. Some of my favorite and most-listened-to bands are from England. I have met many good people there and have been in front of some of the most loyal audiences I have ever encountered.

I have a lot of compact discs. I need them for radio play and convenience. Many bands and artists I am a fan of don't always release their work on vinyl, so I take what they feel like giving me.

Life is weird, great and dangerous.

If I had to live my life in anticipation of what others thought of me, little would get done.

Sarah Palin embarrasses herself almost immediately upon opening her mouth to speak or upon moving her fingers to send messages to her dull flock.

I know I was a generic dysfunctional child, but I think a lot of people are.

More guns equaling more safety is a slippery slope, and what makes it so is human blood.

This is my own little rock theory: In my mind, Nirvana slayed the hair bands. They shot the top off the poodles.

If I'm jetlagging, and I've missed some meals, and it gets to that point in a movie that you're supposed to cry, I'll let my defences down from around my inherent standing level of cynicism, and I'll cry.

I'm very boring.

With a book, there's no volume to turn up. You're very naked with a book.

I have been an XL fan of Devo since I was in high school in the 1970s. Their records only sound better with time.

To our enemies all over the world who plan America's demise, please take my advice. Give up now. No matter what, you will lose. You will lose it all.

Texas is as odd as it is vast.

Early spring is the time for vigorous change, a preparation for the heat-driven oppression that is to come.

In blues music, there's a lot of borrowing, so it's often difficult to identify the originator of a song.