I work very hard at creating complex characters, a mix of positives and negatives. They are all flawed. I believe flaws are almost universal, and they help us understand, sympathise and, paradoxically, feel closer to such characters.

To me, characters are at the heart of great literature.

I grew up in Kolkata in a traditional family. We had friends who lived in mansions just like the one in 'Oleander Girl.' Growing up, I was fascinated by the old house and the old Bengal lifestyle.

I write in my study, where I also have my prayer altar. I believe that keeps me focused and gives me positive energy and reminds me that I'm merely the instrument of greater creative forces.

I type everything on my computer. I carry a writer's notebook everywhere, in case I am struck by an idea. I forget things unless I write them down. I'm planning to learn how to dictate into my cellphone; I think that will be very helpful, too.

I write best late at night, when everyone in the house has gone to bed. There's something magical about that late night silence that appeals to me.

To some extent, I draw on what I see around me; in other places, I imagine what I write.

India lends itself well to fictionalization, but ultimately, it all depends on the writer's imagination.

I hate it when people throw away food - I've seen too many hungry people.

I'm too careful with money - comes out of being poor for several years while growing up.

To make money for college, I worked in our college dining room.

Two great and terrible truths of war are these: War is easy to enter into, but difficult to end. And ultimately, in war there are no winners.

As I lived on in America, I got to truly know the people of this country - so many kind and wonderful people, people of so many races - who helped me in so many ways. Who became my friends. I realized that underneath our different accents, habits, foods, religions, ways of thinking, we shared a common humanity.

I came into Chicago in winter - I'd never been so cold in my life! I was very homesick, and a poor student at that time. America seemed so different and so filled with amazing things - and almost all of them were out of my reach.

I think writers from both East and West have long been fascinated by the ancient tales and the opportunity to reinterpret them.

By the time we're adults, our ideas have solidified. So I wanted to write for a younger audience, who would perhaps love heroes from other cultures.

To achieve important things, we have to sacrifice what's important to us. That's an idea that's very central to Indian thinking.

I'm a very senses-oriented person, and I want to bring readers in on the level of the senses, so they can experience another culture and another place.

After September 11, 2001, I was feeling like I really wanted more understanding between cultures. It seemed to me that so much of what happened on September 11 was because people didn't understand each other and were suspicious of each other.

I find that it's really important for me to imagine characters and situations. That allows me a lot of freedom.

My grandfather was a very strong personality. He certainly ruled his household with an iron fist, even though it was often gloved in velvet!

I came from a traditional family, and it was an exciting but challenging transition to move to America and live on my own. The world around me was suddenly so different.

I started writing after the death of my grandfather - memories, poems, etc. It was very personal; for years I did not share my writing with anyone.

I want people to be sensitive about how women feel and think.