A lot of organizers are trying to figure out how do we create entrances for people so they can be involved in the work in a way that makes them feel is aligned to the things they're interested in and not the things the organizer is interested in?

I have a big following on Twitter, and Twitter has been invaluable for mobilizing and quickly sharing information. But I'm not really sure that people are learning deep content on Twitter.

I've never been a surrogate for Bernie, Hillary, or the DNC.

So many of us don't know what we want; we just know we don't want what we have. We spend 99% of the time talking about how bad it is, but only 1% of the time talking about how we can do something about it.

I am running to be the 50th mayor of Baltimore in order to usher our city into an era where the government is accountable to its people and is aggressively innovative in how it identifies and solves its problems.

I love Baltimore. This city has made me the man that I am.

Protest is political. It is as political as what our conception of America is.

People are not as imaginative as they think they are.

I take statements that portray untrue statements about me seriously.

When I tweet, I'm mostly preaching to the choir.

I just couldn't believe that the police would fire tear gas into what had been a peaceful protest. I was running around, face burning, and nothing I saw looked like America to me.

Sometimes, the hate that I endure is not necessarily about me but about the space I'm in.

The student newspapers are as important to me as the 'New York Times.'

I have a platform, and I can help. I can be in spaces that reporters will never be in because I'm a protester.

I wasn't a very good writer before college. I don't think I was a very good reader.

I think that I, because of student government and because of working in Baltimore, knew how to be creative with very little resources.

I think my imagination about jobs was pretty limited. There were so few jobs that I actually saw people who looked like me in, that I imagined myself in, that I think I just stopped imagining.

I am excited to return to city schools... and to continue doing the work to ensure that every child in Baltimore City receives a world-class education.

What we choose to do today and tomorrow will shape our future and build our reality.

Too often, the elected individuals we put our public trust in disappoint us.

I'm not ashamed to be gay.

I think about freedom and the urgency around our imagination. If you can't imagine it, you can't fight for it.

If Trump is president, I think that his administration will do real structural damage that will take years or decades for us to undo.

Most of my life's information is public. I got a text one day from a hacker who texted me all of my credit card information.