Anti-gun groups, most of which are funded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, have done little to promote or fund real gun safety programs.

Breaking through glass ceilings isn't reserved for liberals.

We're in a war with ISIS and we need a leader who understands exactly what that means.

Cartels south of the border actually have a lot in common with ISIS. In fact, ISIS could learn a thing or two from their gruesome tactics. The biggest differences between the two are motive and religion.

President Obama has argued there isn't a threat of terrorism from the U.S. refugee program because for individuals who apply it takes two years, 'heavy vetting' and is a relatively long process. It doesn't matter. Jihad is patient, and as ISIS has pledged, it will do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Gun manufacturers and companies are responsible for bad products. They are not responsible for bad people who use their products improperly.

So long as Trump says the right things at the right time to the right crowds, he'll never be held accountable for his doublespeak or for defending the very things the conservative movement has been fighting against for years.

When Trump defends Planned Parenthood as doing 'wonderful things,' he is condoning the organization. Even if Planned Parenthood didn't do abortions, none of these 'wonderful things' are worthy of taxpayer funding. But thanks to Trump, the lie of Planned Parenthood's heroism has been further proliferated.

Trump has been donating big money and influencing politics for years. In fact, while conservative Tea Party groups were working extremely hard to defeat ObamaCare before it passed in 2010, Trump was sending checks to Reid and Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic leaders who eventually passed ObamaCare without a single Republican vote.

The U.S. Embassy in Havana may be reopened, but outside its gates, an open society with more freedom for its people is still absent.

People make mistakes and poor decisions in life and sometimes deserve second chances.

The true gun safety advocates, as they have been for centuries, are the millions of members of the NRA and other training organizations.

Not only do the Amy Schumers of the world and the gun control groups who support her fail to provide real gun safety lessons, they oppose them.

YouTube is the most popular video service in the world. It's how Americans, and the rest of the world, overwhelmingly search for videos.

Every exchange between reporters and officials is important - that's why every State press briefing is put into the archives.

All lives matter, including black lives, which is a value we should be striving for rather than condemning.

All Americans are taught, and hopefully believe, in the idea that we are all created equal and should be treated that way.

We don't have to learn to live with terror, but we must be prepared and accept the reality it is here.

Here's the reality: There is always a credible threat, and terror can strike at any time, anywhere, especially as lone wolf attacks backed up by Islamic ideology become more prevalent.

The U.S. relationship with the Palestinians is a limited, one-way street for a number of reasons, one prominently being a lack of common moral values.

Denying that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel does nothing to promote peace - instead, it disrespects a longtime, helpful and humane ally in the Middle East.

In the category of U.S. interest, Israeli intelligence services regularly share valuable and essential information about the Middle East. As the region has all but collapsed under Obama's leadership, Israel has been a reliable, steady, stable force in the region.

In the wake of a Trump victory, the Democratic Party is tacking to the left in an attempt to harness the populist message that put Trump in the White House.

James O'Keefe is a journalist, doing the work 'real' journalists don't dare, and has been conducting undercover investigations for years with dozens of scalps collected along the way. The more the 'true' journalists who back the Democrat machine attack him, the more emboldened he becomes to pursue his next project.