A space nerd as a kid, I learned early that putting a man on the moon took American unity, grit, determination, teamwork, hardship, innovation, sacrifice and patriotism.

But I'm a daughter of the American revolution, my grandpa fought in World War II, I have lots of family members who were in the military, and it really just was part of growing up for me.

The NRA is interested in protecting the civil rights of Americans, not protecting the ability of terrorists to get guns.

Some days my husband Derek and I barely have time for a conversation about anything apart from the business of life - who's picking up who and who's cooking dinner.

It can be easy to let all sorts of things in your life slide, including your relationship.

I don't think having a fear of death is unreasonable.

I genuinely don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to look the best you can.

I've always been a bit ridiculous.

Every time I say I'm going on a diet I end up eating chocolate.

They say breast milk helps just about everything - I'm surprised you can't run a car on it.

Being pregnant changes your body image. You watch your stomach expand. If that happened without being pregnant you'd be in deep distress! But because you're excited about what's going to happen, you view yourself differently.

There's something magical about breakfast TV. I can't think of anything else I'd rather do.

Women should do what makes them feel good.

I'm not sure I'm very confident at all. There was a lot of my life when I thought I was fundamentally unlovable.

Midlife is a time of explosive change, particularly for women. It's just like experiencing another puberty. The changes that take place in your body are enormous and, like puberty, you have to throw off the past.

Whatever your age, parents generally embarrass their children. I think that's a role we have to play.

I loved having children and started relatively late.

Nobody loves a baby more than me and I would happily have had about 10 of them.

I don't take myself seriously, because I'm obviously ludicrous.

I used to be the sort of person that would go out for lunch with girlfriends and get home at 3 A.M.

I think if a youngster leaves school unable to read you're kind of condemning them to a life of poverty and a life of lack of potential.

You've got to get your head right about ageing. Taking care of diet and exercise and facing your fears about growing older will lead you into a happier place emotionally and mentally. You feel like you have a choice.

I was deeply in love with David Soul from 'Starsky & Hutch' when I was 11 or 12. I used to borrow my mum's peach nighty and put some lipstick on and say I was going on a date with him. I made this little purse and would carry a picture of him in it and say he was my boyfriend.

I've never felt like thumping Piers Morgan. Others may do, but not me. He's exhilarating to be around.