Trump built Trump Tower using mob concrete, not Bethlehem steel.

Trump is beset by clear and alarming conflicts between his international business concerns and the national interest.

Trump's trade and immigration policies will deliver an economic shock to states like Texas where trade produces a substantial share of the jobs, and which depend on high oil prices.

The one woman Trump does seem to totally respect is his daughter from his first marriage, Ivanka, on whom he heaps constant, effusive, at-times borderline creepy praise and physical affection.

Trump's real Achilles heel, and the thing most likely to keep him out of the White House, is his brazen contempt for women (plus his lack of impulse control and inability to stay off his Android phone).

To be sure, police do a dangerous job and take tremendous personal risks to safeguard the public. Most officers just want to do their jobs and go home alive.

In fundamental ways, the 2016 Democratic primary has been a litigation of the Obama years, and of whether the president's 2008 campaign vow of 'change we can believe in' succeeded or failed.

Trump channeled ethno-populist rage as naturally and charismatically as George Wallace had during the 1960s, while seating a billionaire cabinet.

To be white in America is to assume, with total self-confidence and little afterthought, the personal ownership of public spaces.

A major loss by a Democratic prosecutor at the hands of the BLM movement could alter the political landscape in a way that might actually change the way prosecutors, and ultimately police departments, operate.

Wakanda, in short, is the Africa of black dreams.

Trump is an erratic figure - seemingly fragile, consumed by his own unpopularity and desperate to somehow exceed Barack Obama in public acclaim.

What stalwart Republican would stop Trump from profiteering for his businesses from the White House the way he's gamed his companies and the tax code for decades, or prevent him from letting his adult children milk their father's position to benefit his supposed 'blind trust?'

Popularity has always been the key currency in choosing a president.

Trump is reviled around the world.

The Trumps have spent exactly zero percent of their lives caring about anyone other than themselves.

It sounds terribly cynical, but the real surprise in the Philando Castile case is not that the officer was acquitted but that he was charged at all. The prosecutors in the case deserve great credit for even trying. But no one should be shocked about how it turned out.

Trump is a big businessman. He's your boss or CEO, not one of your brothers on the line.

Trump's cabinet picks seem designed to unwind government itself, leaving the average citizen completely exposed and vulnerable to full exploitation by corporate interests.

Obama has presided over sweeping cultural advances, particularly in the rights of gay and lesbian Americans.

The reversion of American society to a nation of the superrich and the rest... is straining the country in ways that go way beyond economics.

Whatever its cause, the media's general Hillary Clinton loathing is a foundational truth that would define her as president.

The work of anti-racism can only take place inside each individual soul, where we all try to grow into better people. There is no national tonic or instant cure.

The Trump phenomenon might feel both interminable and unprecedented to Republican elites, but of course it isn't.