Half a million women die each year around the world in pregnancy. It's not biology that kills them so much as neglect.

Neither Western donor countries like the U.S. nor poor recipients like Cameroon care much about Africans who are poor, rural and female.

The news media's silence, particularly television news, is reprehensible. If we knew as much about Darfur as we do about Michael Jackson, we might be able to stop these things from continuing.

It's easy to keep issuing blame to Republicans or the president.

You will be judged in years to come by how you responded to genocide on your watch.

I try to be careful about wording. One of the things I've tried to combat in my blog is the notion that journalists are arrogant and unconcerned with the readership.

The bulk of the emails tend to come after a column. I can get about 2,000 after a column.

The fact that people will pay you to talk to people and travel to interesting places and write about what intrigues you, I am just amazed by that.

I have often tried to tell the story of a place through people there.

As soon as I was old enough to drive, I got a job at a local newspaper. There was someone who influenced me. He wrote a column for The Guardian from this tiny village in India.

The conflict in Darfur could escalate to where we're seeing 100,000 victims per month.

There isn't a political price to be paid yet for doing nothing. People need to get upset with President Bush. People need to get upset with their Congressmen.

While Americans have heard of Darfur and think we should be doing more there, they aren't actually angry at the president about inaction.

The photos were taken by African Union soldiers. People in Congress saw them. I thought if people could see them, there would be public outcry. No one would be able to say, We just didn't know what was going on there.

You don't need to invade a place or install a new government to help bring about a positive change.

A little bit of attention can go a long way.

There seems to be this sense among even well-meaning Americans that Africa is this black hole of murder and mutilation that can never be fixed, no matter what aid is brought in.

All of a sudden their husband's dead and maybe a child is dead and they have absolutely nothing - and they're heading through the desert at night.

One of the things that really got to me was talking to parents who had been burned out of their villages, had family members killed, and then when men showed up at the wells to get water, they were shot.

My take is that the optimal approach to food, for health and ethical reasons, may be vegetarianism.

We all might ask ourselves why we tune in to these more trivial matters and tune out when it comes to Darfur.

Neither left nor right has focused adequately on maternal health.

Conservatives highlight the primacy of family and argue that family breakdown exacerbates poverty, and they're right. Children raised by single parents are three times as likely to live in poverty as kids in two-parent homes.

If President Bush is serious about genocide, an immediate priority is to stop the cancer of Darfur from spreading further, which means working with France to shore up Chad and the Central African Republic.