Not once since becoming president has Mr. Obama linked terror aimed at the United States with Islam.

The Left can play the race card incessantly without consequence or punishment, but woe to anyone else who even breathes valid opposition to their policies: Thou shall be deemed a racist.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid marveled at the electability of Barack Obama because, unlike previous black candidates, Mr. Obama was 'light-skinned' and lacked a 'Negro dialect.'

A people fatigued by bad presidential judgment aren't inclined to reward him or his party.

A president is supposed to calm the American people with sober decision-making in the national interest.

The man who was known as 'no drama Obama' during the campaign has given us nothing but depleting and infuriating drama since he arrived in office.

When the world lacks muscular and wise American leadership, it devolves into total chaos, which, in turn, produces unspeakable evils.

From 2002 to the end of his presidency, George W. Bush routinely was accused by the Left of 'creating chaos:' chaos in Iraq, chaos in Afghanistan, chaos in the Muslim world, chaos among our allies.

A president is always cosseted by his staff.

Mr. Obama seeks to federalize large portions of education, beginning with his attempt to nationalize college student loans.

Trillions of dollars are being spent in the name of 'saving' the economy: bailouts, 'stimulus,' omnibus spending bills, budgets, government takeovers of the auto, health care and energy industries, all of which require ever more spending.

Messrs. Washington and Lincoln would be appalled and saddened by what their successor, President Obama, and the modern Democratic Party are doing to the nation they dedicated their lives to keep alive.

Each day of the Obama presidency seems to bring a new, perversely delicious irony.

Mr. Obama's choices show how fundamentally unserious he is about deficit reduction and spending restraint.

During his public life, Barack Obama has often referred to his biracial background and itinerant childhood and has said, 'In no other country on Earth is my story even possible.' True.

One day in 1984, at the height of his fame, Michael Jackson made a visit to the White House. President and Nancy Reagan may not have dug his music, but they understood the power Mr. Jackson commanded as a common pop-cultural touchstone for just about everyone else.

Earth to Democrats: Displaying contempt for the American people when you are being paid by those people to serve their interests is generally not a good political move.

One thing about liberals: It doesn't even occur to them that there is another side to an argument. They are so convinced of the righteousness of their own position that it doesn't dawn on them that a reasonable person might have a different viewpoint.

The United States of America - once great, grand and free - is on the path to becoming just another country.

If you have small-government, traditional values, you may be considered by your own leadership to be an enemy of the state.

The Democrats handle dissent by isolating it, smearing it and delegitimizing it in order to crush it.

When the Left agitates over government policies, it's considered righteous anger. When the Right - and much of the center - agitate, it's painted as the rantings of the criminally and violently insane.

Conservatives are always right about everything. We are. We are.

Nothing for the Left, nothing the government does is ever about its superficial reason; it's only and always about expanding government power and control over you.