The news changes every day. So it's not like being involved in any litigation that goes on for four years, and the trial lasts three months.

I try to stay off Twitter.

The viewer I picture in my mind when I do 'The Kelly File' is a woman who's had a long day, either with the kids or at work, or both.

There are lots of people who are red-carpet types, but that's not me.

What is it about a baby bump that makes people feel it's okay to say things like, 'God! You are big!'

Im a soulless lawyer. Give me any opinion and I can argue it.

You will never catch me in a dress without a pair of Spanx and a bra.

I was brought up in an environment to believe that my opinion was important, that I had something to say, and that it was no less powerful because I was young, a girl, at the time really unattractive, definitely not the smartest kid in the class.

I keep my head down, my mouth shut and work hard.

I came from a middle-class family. My dad was a professor; my mom was a nurse. I didn't come from money, and I didn't come from circles of power. I didn't come from the country club; I came from the town park.

I can muster up the courage in the difficult situations to get me through.

Donald Trump and the First Amendment, it's not a beautiful match; it's not a match made in heaven. Between the free speech rights that he has not defended and the freedom of the press, which he has not defended, it's problematic.

Adversity is an opportunity for growth. And an opportunity to really know who your friends are.

When people talk about fake news, you know, a lot of folks just roll their eyes, like 'Oh, you know, whatever; people will figure it out.' The truth is, they don't always figure it out.

Where incompetence is prized, it is ever-present.

A political conversation is a conversation in which people with different views come to agreements about how they're going to inhabit this society together.

Abstracted hatred is incredibly potent. There's never the risk of having it challenged by the reality of living human beings.

Hate has a great unifying potential.

I wanted to show something that Americans don't usually think about when they think about Russia, which is the extreme stratification of Soviet society.

Most Russians believe they've never met an LGBT person in their lives. Also they immediately see LGBT people as 'other,' lending to the success of singling the group out as a 'problem.'

Both Trump and Putin use language primarily to communicate not facts or opinions but power: it's not what the words mean that matters but who says them and when. This makes it impossible to negotiate with them and very difficult for journalists to cover them.

I think there was certainly contact between the Trump campaign and Russians, which is perfectly normal. All campaigns in the modern age have contact with representatives of foreign governments.

I've learned over the years to hear what Putin is railing against in his own railing way.

Putin is an uneducated, unintelligent, uncultured man who has no plan.