I am quite a calm player. I do have a go at players and refs in the heat of the moment, but I never throw my toys out of the pram.

The Under-21s was a good experience for me and one I will take into the Euros.

I play my best football when I'm calm mentally.

It is about doing everything you can so your body can perform at the highest level.

I don't want to do all weights. I want to get strong using my core and my natural power.

I do a lot of body weight stuff, power work, with your legs as well. There are weights involved now and again. There is a bit of mixture.

London derbies are that little bit more special; there's that little bit more feeling.

If I can be a role model for kids, then that's fantastic. That's what I want to do.

I remember washing Robbie Keane's boots and asking him a few questions. It's stuff you remember as a kid. You take that on and make sure you're a bit more hungry to go on and do what they've achieved.

In a game, you never know what chance you're going to get, so I try and cover all bases and make sure I'm ready for that chance when it comes.

Sometimes, I put a couple of mannequins on the edge of the box and do these things called bounce balls. You pass against it, and it comes back; you take a couple of touches 'round the mannequins and shoot.

I always back myself as a finisher, but I always practise it as well. Every type of finish: left foot, right foot, headers, penalties, free kicks.

I've been to Wembley a couple of times to see England, but the match which stands out for me is the 2008 Carling Cup final against Chelsea. I was there as a fan with the family. That was a great day out.

I'm at my most comfortable out on the pitch when I'm in front of goal with the ball at my feet. It's about being used to certain situations, and with time, you will find, chances don't get snatched at.

Heading is still a vital part of being a striker, and it isn't about being the biggest player. Heading the ball is about timing, so work on that in training.

I played in different positions as a kid, and it helped me learn different parts of the game, but I found that I was always scoring goals, and that continued as I got older. I've always enjoyed scoring, and it seemed to come naturally. Fortunately, that has carried on into my professional career.

It is about that self-belief, that self-drive, that has got me to where I am now.

Maybe when I was younger, people didn't always believe in me; they didn't think I would make it to where I am now.

As long as there's a vision with the club, and we're not stale, we're going forward as a club.

A lot of people say second seasons are harder than the first because people are now expecting you to do stuff, so yes, that's down to me to work hard and try and improve and, like I say, just letting my football do the talking.

I want to be a player that does everything he can to reach his ability, and I'll do that.

I'm in my own fantasy team as well, so there's quite a bit of pressure on it.

Now we've got a little daughter; me and the missus won't talk about football as much.

It's harder to be angry at home when we lose. When it was just me and the missus, she didn't mind. She'd take the wrath of the loss! But it's harder when there's a little baby now.