I've quite often written tweets that I think are across that line, but I just delete them.

The World Cup is every four years, so it's going to be a perennial problem.

I sort of fall apart in terms of stamina after about 25 minutes!

I hear it all the time in the street: 'It's the crisp bloke.'

Personal records are not what football is all about, but as goalscorers, we live and die by figures and numbers because, ultimately, that's how people will judge you.

When I see old photos of me on the beach I don't look too bad... but it's hard trying to breathe in for such a long time when I spot the photographers!

I think if I'd ever had any skeletons in the closet, they'd have been out a long time ago.

What you learn is that you can't please everyone all the time.

I've known Mark Hughes for half a lifetime. We joined Barcelona in the same summer of 1986, played together under Terry Venables and Luis Aragones, and have kept in touch ever since.

Not many players would turn down a chance to play for Real Madrid and Barcelona, as they're right at the top the tree in terms of football.

It's true: a lot of sportspeople really struggle to find something to do when they finish. It tips them into all sorts of strange things. With ex-footballers, it's really scary. I think 70% of them get divorced within five years. It's hard. You go from being really famous to not that famous. Your salary drops through the floor.

Ferrari or Lamborghini. Never fancied one of those - too flash for me. I don't really like seeking too much attention.

This is ludicrous. Seven- and eight-year-olds valiantly trying to cover the same acreage as those grown-up chaps in the Premier League is absurd. To add to the lunacy, a little goalkeeper, barely out of nappies, has to stand between posts that are eight strides apart - adult strides - and under a crossbar more than twice his height.

I'm not that moody. I don't have big ups and downs.

Playing at the World Cup is something that I am really hungry for.

I am constantly analysing my performances and I tend to focus more on things I haven't done as well as I'd have liked.

Playing at a club like Chelsea and being given the opportunity to play with the world-class players that we have means you can learn from them and improve your game.

Any moment that you have the opportunity to wear the armband for your country is amazing.

If you can play effective counter-attacking football, as you see in the Premier League, it's very effective.

My best World Cup memory as a fan? The Michael Owen goal against Argentina at the 1998 World Cup in France.

Paul Gascoigne was one who I watched as a young boy. He was a hero to all of us really. Chris Waddle was one for me too, just because of where I grew up. Where I'm from, he was somebody who was representing England and playing in the Premier League, and as a young boy I always wanted to do both.

The scary thing about blood clots is where they can lead.

Rafa Benitez was keen on defending - all dropping back together if you lose the ball.

I was always confident that if someone took the chance to play me week in and week out that I would fulfil my potential.