I'm always quite rational.

I know I'm a good goalkeeper.

The most time players get off is during the international breaks.

For everyone, the World Cup is important. It doesn't matter if you are 21, going for your first one, or 35 and going for your third one. It's the biggest stage you can play on, and every opportunity to experience it is something special.

When I was 18, I never expected to be what I was - you hope to make your debut, to play for the national team, and I want to achieve something similar off the pitch to what I did on the pitch.

It's hard to put your faith in youngsters, but Ajax have always done that.

Ajax always bring through young players from their academy - we can't pay €20m for a player, so we make sure we develop those players and give them the opportunity to play.

I'm not going back to Amsterdam, though it would be very comfortable there with Frank de Boer, Danny Blind, and Dennis Bergkamp. When I left 12 years ago, I said I would return, but I did not know then what great years I would have with Manchester United. I might occasionally visit training with them, but I will not be going regularly.

Nothing can replicate the thrill of making a great save at an away ground, or hearing your own fans cheering you, or the atmosphere when you score a goal or win a big game.

Playing is the biggest thing there is.

My career record was 5-2 in penalty shootouts.

I am 40 years old, but I still feel fit.

You see the strength of the Spanish league, the Premier League, Germany, France, and Italy. The TV revenues are so much higher in those countries.

The leagues in the countries around us are probably more interesting and played at a higher level, but in general, we are happy with the way we have moved things forward with Ajax, together with Marc Overmars as technical director, to establish a squad that can compete at the highest level.

I am not worried about being a legend, like Solskjaer; you do your bit, and that's what counts.

I think there are always a lot of rumours about players from Ajax. We develop great players, not only in Amsterdam but hopefully also in Cape Town, and there is interest in a lot of our players, but we like to keep them for as long as possible.

United is a much bigger challenge than Ajax. They're not just a big and famous club but also a worldwide brand, yet when you're inside, it's still a family place.

We want to bring our own players through. That is what people like about Ajax.

It's always difficult if you're coming into a new club and new league, especially the English one. It's a very demanding one, can be a very tough one.

I have won things in my career, and people ask why that's not enough. But there can always be more.

It's hard for the older boys to play twice a week, so it's important for everyone in the squad to play their part.

I can't sleep at night when I think about the FA Cup!

I think England's always good at making something special.

The FA Cup is the oldest cup competition in the world. Players are keen and willing to play in these games.