It would be wonderful to spend my whole career at Madrid. But my early days taught me to enjoy every moment because everything can change very quickly - I saw that with Euro 2016.

I try to give the squad my peace of mind, my experience of big competitions and to be myself.

It's not a fault in football to be ambitious, far from it.

When you are at Real, it's a challenge every day. I'm like that, I need these high goals to keep moving forward.

It's impressive to be compared with Hierro.

You have to be humble and learn from the players around you.

Ronaldo is a bon vivant, he is friendly, he always has something to help you progress. He wants to be the best around. It infuriates him when he loses, he cannot stand it. It's true that sometimes, in the dressing room, it's fun to lose just to make him mad!

I want to continue to be a first-team regular here at Madrid. That is my long-term goal.

I consider myself to be from Madrid because I arrived very young, but I do not forget my years in Lens - of which I am also proud.

In every training session, I learn.

Every season is a challenge and now I am a more complete player. I have learned at the highest level.

In my position you talk about a mature player being around 28 and it is normal that you improve.

PSG were interested in signing me, but we never entered negotiations.

I try to transmit calmness and motivation to my team-mates.

In terms of pressure, El Clasico is unique, but also a match against PSG is a stimulating and exciting clash.

Basically, I played football to share with others, to excel together, to achieve a goal. After, we all have our ego, our pride and our personality. But all alone, in football, it does not work.

All the teams that win a big trophy, it is thanks to the collective, when each one takes pleasure to share with the others. This is how it works.

You can be a huge player, if you play alone, the team loses.

We do a team sport. Individually, you're worthless!

I hope to meet expectations. To achieve this, I need to keep working hard and hopefully things will go my way.

There are some things you gain with experience, but age isn't important to me.

I think I felt ready and I really wanted to go to Real Madrid. Some are ready and others aren't. I thought about it carefully and I made the right decision.

Zidane has tried to get me to improve. Anticipating, reading the play, putting myself in the defensive balance, I know how to do all this. So he expects the same finesse in an attacking sense.

If I know where I want to play before I receive the ball, it's easier. It's more fluid.