It's a league that you really have to get used to. If you're coming from another one, it's a tough league. Getting the experience playing in a Premier League team and getting hopefully consistent games will be huge for me.

I think every player aspires to challenge themselves against the very best and that's what I'm hoping to do.

I want to keep getting better.

I'm an attacking full-back.

When you're the younger guy, you're kind of only looking after yourself. Obviously you have to be a bit selfish in terms of what you're doing. But when you're the older guy you have to look out for the younger guys as well. If they're making mistakes, they need help, then you help them.

When I made the decision to go to Europe, a lot of people questioned it. The first six months I was there even I was questioning it, but I think I learned a lot more about myself in that six months than I have my whole life.

Obviously when you challenge yourself you learn a lot about yourself, and ultimately you're going to get better in whatever field.

I think positionally I've improved. One vs. one I feel more comfortable. I knew that was going to come - obviously that's the kind of thing that comes with experience.

Obviously you have to take it the right way, keep your head down, be humble. But I think if you're in an environment where you're challenging yourself, you're only going to improve. So that's honestly what I tried to do when I went to Europe.

I've always been fast, it's God-given talent. I just try and use that to my advantage, but I'm learning more and more positionally so I don't have to rely on my pace so much.

Once you start to become OK at something, you learn to enjoy it more.

Every international career is going to come to an end you're going to pass it down to the younger generation. Every career comes to that point.

For me, I want to win the World Cup. If that's not the goal then I don't think you should be playing.

The Premier League is one of the top leagues in the world and I'm a guy that likes to challenge myself, so just to be able to practice against those types of players and play against them every weekend is a dream come true.

I like to attack obviously.

Obviously, when you're getting games, you're getting confidence as well.

Usually, when I'm in the 3-5-2, it's at the end of the game, in the 80th minute, where I'm really just attacking.

I'm maturing as a person and as a player.

As a wing back, when you get the ball wide, you usually don't have any help out wide. You have to be pretty good on your own out there.

At fullback you have a little bit more defensive responsibility. You have to help out with your center backs a little bit more. As a wing back, you can be a little bit more aggressive with getting forward.

I think the fact people still don't realise why people are taking a knee and saying 'Black Lives Matter,' people are being so close-minded to the fact that no one is disrespecting the flag, nobody is saying all lives don't matter.

There's no amount of money that can make me shut up about something I think is wrong.

My grandfather, my grandmother especially, I have a whole family of activists, they've always told me to stand up for what I believe in.

As a young black American you become desensitised to it, it's just like 'oh, another guy, another kid died today.' That's so, so sad cos we are talking about human life, the most sacred thing we have.