All I know is, there's nothing we can't do at Clemson. I don't have to go somewhere else to win at the highest level, to recruit great players, to have great support - I really don't. I'm just really fortunate.

Trust me, people that know me know I ain't perfect, but I do try to live my life in a way that hopefully can be pleasing to my maker because I know I'm going to meet Him one day, and He's not going to pat me on the back and talk about how many wins I had or how many Coach of the Year trophies we got or how much money I made.

I had a lot of time as a kid to dream. There wasn't much else left to do.

I'm a Christian, but I've coached and played with Muslims and all kind of different religions.

The thing I enjoy the most about being the head coach is that I get to create the climate. I get to control the environment everybody comes to work in every day, and I'm very in tune to the chemistry, the morale of my staff, my support staff, my secretaries, the guy cleaning the building, the players, the walk-ons.

My entire life, nothing's been easy. This is the way it ought to be.

I always told people Alabama was the smartest state because it has four As and a B.

You may not have any interest in Clemson whatsoever, but if Clemson calls, and they want to pay for you to come, and feed you and put you in a hotel, well, who doesn't want to go do that? Sign me up. Let's go, man.

My driving force in this business is to create and build great men, and to do that, you have to have great relationships.

I think God has got a sense of humor. I really do.

We're all going to experience death and failure and setbacks and disappointments and cancer and, you know, it's a really difficult world. And for me, God has always - in my relationship with Christ - He's given me hope and peace.

I've always really respected Mark Richt. I think he's a great man, first of all, and I think he's a great coach and a guy that truly cares about the players and always has.

It's the journey to get there. It's that moment in that locker room when you're with a group of people that have gotten it done. There's nothing like it. If you could bottle that up and take that out in the world, you'd dominate.

My dad was a great man, and I loved him, but he had some demons he fought. It was tough to see some of those things as a kid, but I believe God doesn't save you from things; he saves you through them.

If you grow up with traditions in your family, it's always nice to be able to get home and have those moments.

I'm not a sympathetic guy when I see people throwing their lives away and using their life's obstacles as excuses to fail. I just don't buy into that.

If Alabama were 8-4, they'd still be dominating the conversation.

I think we have a sin problem in the world. It's so easy to say we have a race problem, but we got a sin problem.

You got to be a champion on the inside.

When you get a young group of people that believe, are passionate... and committed to a single purpose, you better look out. Great things can happen.

I'm always just focused on being great where I'm at and blooming where I'm planted.

A lot of these things in this world were only a dream for Martin Luther King. Not a one-term, but a two-term African-American president. And this is a terrible country? That was a dream for Martin Luther King.

There's a lot of good police officers. There's thousands of perfect traffic stops. Lot of good men. Lot of good women. But those don't get the stories.

Always remember, the goals that we have achieved pale in comparison to the daily commitments it took to get there.