As I see it, Seedorf and I are coaches who handle the concept of a more proactive game.

Luiz Felipe Scolari was a good professional, a nice person, someone you could talk with before and after games. He has a lot of experience and is a good manager.

Carlo Ancelotti is very competitive, but he does it with respect.

I like to exchange ideas because we all want to win. If a footballer doesn't agree, then you try and have a chat to work things out.

I've worked with so many teams, so many dressing rooms.

You have to adapt to different teams and different players, but you have try to maintain your discipline and score goals.

I am not hugely concerned about the amount of goals we score - it is the final results that are the difference.

I would like to thank all Neapolitan fans for the affection and warmth that I have felt.

Napoli belongs to the city and to the fans. If this city sees the team reach the final, it will be a source of pride.

Sometimes players aren't playing where they feel or play best, but they must put their all into what's best for the team.

Every player has what they have but some outperform themselves. It's about learning and expanding your abilities and becoming even better still.

If a player is receptive and really wants to learn and improve, you might be surprised what they are capable of doing.

When you come to a new team there's always uncertainty about how they're going to respond.

Days before Barcelona called me, I was about to leave to coach in Egypt.

VAR is a tool we have that can make us better. But we must use it and have a clearer vision of reality.

I always tell the players that we have to expect the best version of our opposition.

I like to have fewer players. That way, everyone is plugged into what you're doing. There is a risk attached to that sometimes but it's good to have a smaller squad. People have more chance of playing; they're ready and more motivated. Having 18 real players is better than having 25 or 26 not playing.

What hurts me, and always had done, is picking teams and having to leave players out.

It is not easy to change things in a footballer that other coaches told him were very good.

Hard work is the most important. Conviction also, but real hard work.

I have convictions: once an idea's in my head, it's very hard to get it out.

Las Palmas, Lugo, Betis... if you followed them, you know we had an identity. You saw it, we played good football.

If there is something I don't like, I will say so.

You read things in the papers but I never really expected Barcelona to choose me. It all happened in a hurry.