I have been relegated as a player, and I have suffered the feeling of failure. It is awful, and when you are part of an international outfit that gets so close, and you don't do it, it is not a good feeling. I don't want that again. I want to be part of a team that does something no one else has done.

Robbie James, who was a real good friend of mine, died on the pitch at 40.

When I was at Swansea, I lost Alan Davies, who was only 30.

I've got a strong relationship with Kit Symons.

Northern Ireland, England, Scotland - when we play each other, you don't want to lose to a neighbouring country.

I know Roy Hodgson very well; he rarely changes tactically.

When you are being bullied a long way from home, when you face that challenge, that is where you find out a lot about yourself.

My best mates are my mates from school, and we have always stayed close.

I can remember when I was a 17-year-old at Swansea and Terry Yorath and Tommy Hutchison were in charge.

Being a manager is the closest buzz I'll ever get to playing. For every low, you get a high, and that becomes an addiction and a feeling you are always chasing.

I don't spend enough time with my children, but when I am with them, I like to help them with their homework - even though they know more than me!

I've known John Toshack a long, long time because I grew up with his son Cameron. If he was English, there is no doubt that he would be mentioned in the same breath as someone like Terry Venables.

Football can change really quickly; you really are king for a day. Once you get caught up with things and think you've arrived... you've never arrived in football.

Wales was a great pleasure. It's the biggest honor I've ever had, to lead my country.

I've watched parents sometimes on the touchlines at youth games, and they are screaming and shouting, which is not the way to go.

Football is whatever you want to play.

It's not so nice when you don't feel wanted.

It's nice to be in an environment where you feel wanted.

When you have players like Aaron Ramsey, Gareth Bale, and Joe Allen, you've got to play football.

I'm really happy for Sam Vokes. He doesn't always start, but he always turns up and works so hard.

For Ashley Williams, he doesn't score many, but what a leader.

My next job after Wales, whenever that is, will be somewhere abroad.

To manage another country? No, I wouldn't. That's not something I would consider.

I'm a Welshman through and through.