To be recognized for making the contributions I did, along with the others who are part of the Hall of Honor, it really is humbling. Particularly when you grow up in Pittsburgh and know what the Steelers mean to the city. To me, as a little boy growing up watching the Steelers, this means a lot to me. It's special.

I was blessed to play a small role in the Steelers tradition.

As a kid you were proud to say you were from Pittsburgh.

I was blessed to have followed a legendary coach in Chuck Noll.

The goal is to hit your stride, stay in the hunt and be playing your best football in December.

Tom Coughlin has done a great job and is an excellent coach.

It's hard to throw the football when you have some instability at quarterback or if you don't have the weapons around you.

I think coaches are very much guilty of trying to implement players into their schemes as opposed as trying to fit schemes into players. That's the thing that can separate good coaches from bad.

The one thing you have to be careful of is trying to do what other teams and players are doing when you don't have the people to do it yourself.

All the projects that coaches go through in the offseason are based on the success other teams had in every area whether it's offense, defense or special teams. What they do is see if they can incorporate anything they see with the people they have.

I find most video games too complicated to play.

The draft is like game day on a 3rd-and-5. You have a lot of plays you can choose from. You go with your gut, pick and play and hope it works.

There's so much more involved with the game than just sitting there, looking at the numbers and saying, 'OK, these are my percentages, then I'm going to do it this way,' because that one time it doesn't work could cost your team a football game, and that's the thing a head coach has to live with, not the professor.

What the Jets did with Mark Sanchez, they took a rookie quarterback and went pretty far with him.

Nobody remembers that you lost a Super Bowl, they remember who won a Super Bowl.

You realize how hard it is to get there, but don't lose sight that the goal is to win a championship.

It isn't just about winning the championship and I don't think you should be defined by that.

Every year the identity of a team changes to some degree.

Confidence is a fragile thing.

I never brought my job to my house, I never brought my house to the job.

Balance is really important.

You can always go back, to coaching. You can't go back to spending time with your family.

In all honesty, I hope I don't coach again.

There comes a time in your life - I'm healthy and happy, and I've been fortunate - you've got to prioritize things.