"I hope I become a better player day after day. This is one of my goals. I want to improve in every situation, but when you are playing along with top figures, it is a quality bonus and a bigger effort. Besides, the Spanish Liga also gives you the chance to progress and improve."

"I didn't expect it to come so quickly. It's been hard to keep up with. There's been articles in the papers that say I've got too big for my boots but people who know me say I'm just the same. Things have changed in my life but I haven't, too many people would knock me down if I did."

"I would never complain about the position I'm in or the attention I get. At the end of the day, I'm very lucky to have what I have and do what I do, but I don't see myself as any different from anyone else who works hard and is a dad and a husband."

"Being hardworking is the best thing you can show children."

"That was my way of getting through difficult times of low confidence - hard work."

"It's so important to have manners and treat people from all walks of life the way they should be treated."

"When you get older, you mature, and you start liking flowers. Although I try and keep it manly."

"As a footballer, you always want to test yourself against the best."

"I just want people to see me as a hard-working footballer and someone who is passionate about the game."

"Every situation has changed me as a person."

"I never do anything half-heartedly. I will continue to work hard and play hard and do everything I can to be successful, whatever I do."

"I don't regret anything, but that doesn't mean that I don't look back and think, 'What was I thinking?'"

"Soccer is a magical game."

"I don't do anything unless I can give it 100%."

"Whatever I do, I want to be the best."

"I'm not one of those people who is not looking forward to getting old. I'm happy with my life."

"There are certain battles that you pick. When they're not worth picking, they're laughable stories."

"Always have something to look forward to."

"People react to criticism in different ways, and my way is definitely to come out fighting."

"You start realising as you get older that there are some kids who don't know who you are."

"On the fragrance side, I think it's important that it's not overpowering, a fragrance on a man or a woman. I think it's important to see the person before you smell them. Less is more."

"People just assume, over the years, that soccer players are not too intelligent. As with most assumptions, they're wrong."

"I always wanted to be a hairdresser."

"Two of my boys are Manchester United fans; one is an Arsenal fan. Whenever there is a game I can take the boys to, I love taking them."