I've always felt comfortable on the ball, and I don't know why people are so surprised when you can control it well. It's not a disability. It's just that I'm a bit taller than everyone else.

Ever since I was a kid, I always wanted to score volleys.

There is one thing that I would really enjoy, and that is, of course, to get 100 Premier League goals.

I'll be walking down the street with a mate, and someone will stop and say 'All right Crouchy, how's things?' and so on. Once they're gone, the person I'm with will say 'Do you know them?' and I'll say 'I've never met them before in my life'. Happens all the time.

Never give up, and always believe you can achieve something.

I don't know why, but playing for England, I always feel I am going to score.

I am very proud of my goal record for England.

I've always felt that, when I play, I have never let anybody down.

I do a fantastic job for a living: I get to play in front of 90,000, and obviously, everyone knows your name and what have you. But I'm no better than anyone else.

I'm not the type of player that's going to run in behind or go past three and score.

As for my personal ambitions, I always loved playing for England and always felt I did well.

The lowest period was when I was with Tottenham, and they loaned me out to Dulwich Hamlet.

It's nice when you can enjoy yourself and make people smile.

Some people have never fancied me, but there have been plenty others who have backed me.

I've never asked for a transfer anywhere, but I've been constantly moving around. It's frustrating.

I can keep the ball and pass it, and I've always felt comfortable with the ball at my feet.

Analysing games on the TV is something that appeals to me, and anything where you watch football and get paid for it is not a bad living!

I don't think I was ready for the Premier League until I was 24 at Southampton.

When some kids get a sniff of the first team at a big club, you see them change. They can become big-time, especially so if they happen to be captain of the youth team.

Footballers are very superstitious.

There's no hiding place for someone of my size.

I know I can play, but people who haven't seen me and look at me on a football pitch think, 'He's tall, and he's there to head the ball.'

I really enjoy tennis, but football's the game for me.

Looking around at the faces of the home support at Gillingham, the irony was never lost on me that these people had the cheek to call me a 'freak.' Perhaps they should have taken a look at themselves first.