"I do not know what evil is when it comes to art. I only know what is good art and what is bad art."

"In Russia I went to a great yeshiva, and in America I work in a carnival."

"Do you know what I don't understand about that ball game? I don't understand why I wanted to kill you."

"I won't talk to you about my family and you won't talk to me about yours. Family talk is either boring or self-pitying. Or it's Gothic, like a Faulkner novel. Who needs to talk about it? It's enough to live it."

"It is when you are angry that you must watch how you talk."

"There are vivid memories from my childhood - what we had to go through because of low wages and the conditions, basically because there was no union. I suppose, if I wanted to be fair, I could say that I'm trying to settle a personal score. I could dramatize it by saying that I want to bring social justice to farm workers."

"When we are really honest with ourselves we must admit our lives are all that really belong to us. So it is how we use our lives that determines the kind of men we are."

"I've always maintained that it isn't the form that's going to make the difference. It isn't the rule or the procedure or the ideology, but it's human beings that will make it."

"You cannot uneducate the person who has learned to read."

"What I do shows people what kind of person I am."

"In 1968, I became a vegetarian after realizing that animals feel afraid, cold, hungry, and unhappy like we do.."

"What is at stake is human dignity. If a man is not accorded respect he cannot respect himself and if he does not respect himself, he cannot demand it."

"I would not take one cup of coffee from a grower...There's not a good one. I hate them. A few presents, a little talk, then the noose. That's how capitalism works."

"By far the best dressing up outfit I ever had was a wonderful pair of clown dungarees, which my Granny made."

"I don't know if I have a favorite color."

"I hope we will be able to have a happy family ourselves."

"I was quite nervous about meeting William's father, but he was very, very welcoming, very friendly, it couldn't have gone easier really for me."

"No, I had the Levis guy on my wall, not a picture of William, sorry."

"I find doing speeches nerve wrecking."

"It's very special having a new little girl."

"From taking photographs of George and Charlotte, I have been struck by the wonderful lack of self-consciousness that you see in photographs of children, without the self-awareness that adults generally feel."

"I don't know if I have a favorite color."