"My eyes were glued on life and they were full of tears."

"But, outside of being a sweet little girl, she was awfully dumb and capable of doing horrible things."

"All human beings are also dream beings. Dreaming ties all mankind together."

"They build their own Hells."

"I promise I shall never give up, and that I'll die yelling and laughing, and that until then I'll rush around this world I insist is holy and pull at everyone's lapel and make them confess to me and to all."

"I hope it is true that a man can die and yet not only live in others but give them life, and not only life, but that great consciousness of life."

"The road is life"

"I just won't sleep," I decided. There were so many other interesting things to do."

"If moderation is a fault, then indifference is a crime."

"I loved couriers. You had this transfer of physical information happening throughout the city and the world. Someone picking up the package, putting it in a bag, going somewhere, taking it out of the bag, giving it to someone else. I thought that was so cool. I wanted to map it, to see that flow on a big screen."

"'Luck' is recognizing when the situation encourages build out and execution."

"Don't avoid eye contact and don't be late"

"Anything you're interested in the world whether it be Charlie rose or JetBlue or a public figure or your local coffee shop, they're on Twitter and broadcasting what is interesting to them."

"Do you think what happened here was an exam: if you come through, you get a diploma and safe conduct into the future, or a sign to paint on the door-lintel that will make the plague pass you by?"

"Todo amor, al final es moderado"

"He believed that our life-stories are ours to construct as we wish,within or even against the constraints posed by the real world..."

"Also the air: the air is full of sighs and cries. These are never lost: if you listen carefully, with a sympathetic ear, you can hear them echoing forever within the second sphere."

"Whatever does not kill me makes me stronger."

"How easy it is to love a child, how hard to love what a child turns into!"

"How many people are there left who are neither locked up nor standing guard at the gate?"

"What I did not know was how longing could store itself away in the hollows of one's bones and then one day without warning flood out."

"All that I want now is to live out my life in ease in a familiar world, to die in my own bed and be followed to the grave by old friends."

"Is this love - this easy generosity, this sense of being understood at last, of not having to pretend?"

"Fate deals you a hand, and you play the hand you are dealt. You do not whine, you do not complain. That, he used to believe, was his philosophy. Why then can he not resist these plunges into darkness?"