"When you get to a certain age, you have to make a decision for yourself: if you want to get old in the industry, and you want to play maybe a few parts that come along now and then - or what else in life interests you?"

"When I started go-go dancing on tables for a living, I didn't want to tell my mom or my dad. I made 25 dollars a night, and I was able to make my rent, with the four girls I lived with."

"I've been practicing modalities of Eastern philosophy since about 1972. What I've learned through my meditation is a sense of equanimity, a sense of all things being equal."

"I can't read Mason & Dixon, since my mind's so shitty, I can't process it!"

"If we want to be endowed with rights – real human rights, we have to act with responsibility. We must not be comfortable with rights. We must be comfortable with responsibility."

"What have you done with your knowledge and priesthood power that those without have not done this week? If you cannot answer that with power every day, what does that say about you?"

"You can hold on to the smallest doubt and take comfort in it, stay in denial and go on with your carefree life, until one day you're finally cornered by a truth that can no longer be ignored."

"In my view, the right to bear arms is in the Constitution for three main reasons: self-protection, community protection, and protection from tyrrany."

"...progressives start small. They introduce 'commonsense' regulations and restrictions that will supposedly save lives. Then, each time the public's attention is captured, they push further."

"Well,” Nicholas said seriously, “I think that all good gifts come ultimately from God. It wouldn’t do for the messenger to take credit for his master’s work."

"I know it's crazy, but I actually prefer to prepare for disaster and worst-case scenarios, rather than panic once they do occur."

"If you don’t draw a line in the sand, you will just keep drifting. You have to know what you’re willing to do and not willing to do right now."

"We have an issue with kids' having unfettered access to the worst the Internet has to offer instead of the best that our communities can provide."

"I am a man, and I will be treated as such. I answer to only one king and His kingdom will come, His will be done. We have chosen sides and we choose God. America as a nation must do the same, as well."

"The reason that history so often repeats is not only human nature, but also human ignorance."

"The Second Amendment, like all of our rights, is reliant on a moral and virtuous people. Without that, nothing else matters. Man can not rule himself if... moral sentiment is missing."

"So we went on what we now call "The Beck Family Church Tour" and man did we see some churches."

"There's a big difference between not knowing the truth and not liking it."

"I collapsed to my knees and looked up at the predawn sky. "I hate you," I said softly. "I love you," the voice whispered back."

"If you treat an animal right, they don't run away. They're not like us. They run away from people they don't trust; most times we run away from ourselves."

"Without morality and virtue most things in a free society fall apart. But with them, anything is possible."

"The only difference between Las Vegas and Washington, D.C. is that at least Vegas has the decency to admit the town is full of hookers and crooks."

"If you're wearing smoky eye makeup, a little beige or gold pencil on the inner eye corners will open up the area, but you only want to do it if the shadow is really dark. Otherwise, light pencil makes your eyes look too far apart, like a fish."

"When I came to New York and I opened the window of the thirty-fifth-floor apartment, there's light pollution and fog, and I couldn't see my star. So I drew it on my wrist with a pen, but it kept washing away. Then I went to a tattoo parlor on Second Avenue and had it done."