"Preaching is the most original thing I've ever done. There's nothing familiar about it. You have to be brave."

"The fighters who give it all will be around for next year. Give it all you've got. Don't save anything."

"I remember in school once the teacher gave us a speech about anyone can make it if they try, and then she looked at me and said. 'I don't know what you are going to do, Georgie.'"

"My friends know that they're my friends - even my enemies know that they're my friends."

"Anytime I can sneak in a moment to fish and ride horses, I'm a happy camper."

"My mother was watching on television and she doesn't want me to hurt anyone."

"It's not that I lead this oblivious life where I think I've got such a great personality that people want to spend time with me. If someone has a poster of you or asks for your autograph, clearly you can't take them out on a date. It's not that interesting if someone is just interested in you."

"I watch 'Batman & Robin' from time to time. It's the worst movie I ever made, so it's a good lesson in humility."

"I can't give you 150 takes. I can't even give you 30 different ways of doing it! I don't have the talent or the range for it."

"Hosting is work. It means you don't get to go up to your room and disappear and take a nap. Like everybody else does after lunch. I'm talking about hosting, not hosting a dinner party, but hosting people staying in your home."

"My life isn't focused on results. My life is really focused on the process of doing all the things I'm doing, from work to relationships to friendships to charitable work."

"I enjoy living in a nice house and having a nice life. So I do two or three commercials overseas a year to sort of fill in, because they pay pretty well."

"'Ides of March' I did for scale - scale as a director, scale as an actor, scale as a writer."

"I've walked with very famous people down red carpets over to the crowd of thousands of people, and you'll reach out to shake their hand and they've got a camera in their hand. And they don't even get their hand out, because they're recording the whole time."

"There's a certain cruelty to being on a big screen as your eyelids start to sag and your hair falls out and turns gray that you either have to be able to handle or not. What you can't do is try to force yourself into roles that you could have played or would have played ten years earlier."

"Growing old on screen is not for the faint of heart."

"On an awards-show day, I can play basketball, go in, take a shower and put on a tux - it takes me three minutes to put on a tux - and be out the door in 15 minutes."

"I'm the least metrosexual cat you've ever met. I've never had my fingernails or toenails done, and I've cut my own hair longer than other people have cut my hair."

"I rarely tell anybody what they should be doing with their life."

"You have to remember that in the microcosm of Cincinnati, Ohio, through northern Kentucky, my father was a big star, still is. So that made my sister and me really visible. Everybody knew us, talked about us."

"Over the years, over the history of our country, liberals have stood on many of the right sides of the issues."

"My grandparents back in Kentucky owned a tobacco farm. So, to make money in the summer, we could cut and chop and top and house and strip the tobacco."

"I think it's the most responsible thing you can do, to have kids. It's not something to be taken lightly. I don't have that gene that people have to replicate."

"I've been my most happy and my most unhappy in relationships. I have family and friends and people I care very much about. I've got a really, really, really good life."