“No one can tell me, Nobody knows, Where the wind comes from, Where the wind goes.”

“Don't blame me if it rains.”

“Honey or condensed milk with your bread?” he was so excited that he said, “Both,” and then, so as not to seem greedy, he added, “but don’t bother about the bread, please.”

“When late morning rolls around and you're feeling a bit out of sorts, don't worry; you're probably just a little eleven o'clockish.”

“Weeds are Flowers too, once you get to know them.”

“They have no imagination. A tail is just a tail to them, just a little something extra in the back.”

“Washing, this modern behind the ears nonsense.”

“From what I've read of detective stories, inspectors always do want to drag the pond first.”

“But it's always useful to know where a friend-and-relation is, whether you want him or whether you don't.”

“We can't all, and some of us don't.”

“doing nothing often leads to the very best of something”

“It all comes,” said Pooh crossly, “of not having front doors big enough.”

“Whatever his weight in pounds and ounces, he always seems bigger because of his bounces.”

“Pooh, how do you spell love?' 'You don't spell love Piglet, you feel it”

“Some poeople care too much....I think its called Loved”

“He said it twice because he had never said it before, and it sounded funny.”

“I wasn’t afraid,” said Pooh, said he, “I’m never afraid with you.”

“She would know a good thing to do without thinking about it.”

“We'll be friends forever, won't we, Pooh?' asked Piglet. 'Even longer.' Pooh answered.”

“You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think - Christopher Robin”

“Which makes it a bothering sort of day.”

“It is the best way to write poetry, letting things come." -Winnie-the-Pooh”

“don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.”

“Would you mind coming with me, Piglet, in case they turn out to be Hostile Animals?”